The Shy Girl

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My name's Elsa and let's just say I'm not the most talkative girl ever. In fact, people treat me as if I was mute or something. 

Then there's my sister Anna - a total firecracker. She's funny, sweet, smart and way too optimistic. But I might be biased making that call. After all, I'm like her opposite. Not that I'm a pessimist. Just... realistic. But people always seem to confuse that with pessimism. Can I help it if reality is depressing?

We only just moved to Canada from Alaska a week ago so there are a pile of boxes still around the house. I did mention that we should move them considering how clumsy Anna is but my parents wouldn't listen. I mean, I should know what's safe for my sister after the accident... 

Anna loved. Anna loved it here bcause there were loads more people. Personally, I preferred how small and quaint Alaska had been but so long as it was cold, I was fine. After all, the cold never bothered me. 

Winter was my favourite month because I got to wear all my nicest winter wear, I could have hot chocolate, make snowmen with Anna and generally have an awesome time. The only time I'd hated the snow was the day I put snow down Anna's back and she ended up catching pneumonia. We are all afraid that she wouldn't make it but our dad suggested we go to someone named Dr Pabbie as a last resort and he'd saved her. Our parents then made sure me and Anna never played in the snow again. It made me sad because I loved snow and Anna was really fun to play with but I'd adjusted. 

I strated reading, holed up in my room and asked my parents to buy me ice slabs. It was lucky that there was an ice harvesting business here in Canada. Bjorman Ice Harvesting was the company name and my parents brought me ice from there so I could make ice scultpures. 

I'd always been the creative kind but I'd never known how to express it till I found out about ice sculpting in a book I was reading. Since then, it had become one of my other passions besides reading. 

Not that I got much time for either of those. Me and Anna were still close but not as close as we used to be. That didn't mean I wasn't going to stop Anna from doing stupid things. Like sliding down the staircase (we'd never had a staircase before) of our new mansion. Because she couldn't see that she was about to crash into the new vase we'd bought. 



But she was already sliding down. The vase flew from the table and I ran after it. I had to perform a roll and barely managed to catch it. And even then I managed to hit myself in the nose with my knee while doing so. 


"Omg Elsa, I'm so sorry, I tots did not see that and I just wanted to test out the new staircase and - you know how it is right? I hope you're okay."

"I'm fine. The vase is safe. It's alright Anna. Perfectly alright"

"Okay, you're sure right? I mean, I can get an ice pack or something if you need it"

"Thanks but I'm fine. Really"


I'd forgotten how adorable Anna could be when she was rambling. And if she ever found a guy, I'd make sure he loved her truly, quirks and all. 

Yeah, we have a mansion. That's just because my mum owns a restaurant for Norwegian cuisine (which is all the rage right now) and my dad has been promoted and is now the Principal of the Arendelle Figure Skating School. They get quite a bit of money and I occassionally help them out. For mom, I'm her pastry chef (I love decorating the little cake orders) and I work as Dad's assistant teacher. I was the star student of the Arendelle Figure Skating School so I demonstrate moves and help the little kids. The school also commissions me for my ice sculptures so I have some pocket money saved up to buy presents and things when I have to. 

My parents have a lot of expectations for me. Some that I think are quite strange. I can get straight As and all but I have no intention of becoming a teacher or chef like my parents. In fact, I want to do something along the lines of design and architecture. Anna's already confessed to me that she wants to a singer-songwriter and I think she'll be stunning at it.

I'm a little nervous to be starting at my new school. After all, in Alaska I was homeschooled with Anna because the school was really small anyway. Neither of us had any friends but that was fine by me. Not so much with Anna.

"Elsa, let's get ready for school!"

"Alright then"

Anna didn't like organising all her things but she'd made it a game for the two of us once we realised I couldn't go without organising my things. A lot of things set off my anxiety and having things in the wrong place or being unprepared is one of them. Anna also promised to be by my side for school because of my social anxiety. Really, my social anxiety just comes from the fact that most people considered me to be slightly weird. I would just be in a corner, minding my own business while everyone stared at me like I was some type of alien.

I wanted to tell them platinum blonde hair wasn't always fake and that I was probably more natural than them. That they shouldn't judge someone they barely know. But I never did because, what was the point?

"Bet I can put my wardrobe together faster than you can" Anna grinned.

"As if!" Anna was the one person I could be myself around though so when we'd stopped hanging out for that brief while before my parents realised how sad I was about it, I had been pretty depressed. Books had been a way of escaping and having friends that I couldn't make in real life. And now they were still that for me.

I pulled out all my skirts, pants and tops. I had a few frocks and started putting them all together.

"Done" I said with a flourish.

"Oh man! I've barely started" Anna said groaning. But I caught the way her eyes twinkled. She always did this.

"I'll help"

We pulled out her green frock with tulips on it (Anna loved tulips), yellow tights and green cardigan before planning our hairstyles. I was going to wear my purple cardigan, black tights and green tube dress over my black top. I didn't like showing my skin plus it would be colder than usual. 

As she pulled her hair into a headband braid and bun, I did a french twist with a twisted bun. It looked pretty good and Anna's did too so we settled on those hairstyles. 

Then we kicked back and decided to wait for what the next day would bring. 

Apparently, the next day would bring a hailstom of crazy down on us. Our parents had to leave early, Anna wouldn't get up and I was having nervous jitters. Damn!! 

I eventually got Anna out of bed as we ran to school, me with half a muesli bar in my mouth and Anna crunching on an apple while trying to do the buckles on her shoes. I seriously did not see how she planned to make that work so I got down and did the buckles for her while she finished her apple. We continued running and ended up crashing into a few people. Or did they crash into us?

"Hello" the redhheaded one said. 

Anna started to flirt with this guy called Hans. Didn't she see? We didn't have time for stupid niceties. 

"Come on Anna" I said before pulling her along. 

I noticed the boy with hair nearly the same shade as mine (told you the colour exists naturally) looking after me as I rushed along. 

And that was how I first met the infamous Jack Frost. 

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