Art Class

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We were in art class, the one class I really loved. Yeah the other classes weren't bad but ice was the thing I loved. 

That's when the bulky guy came in. 

"Hi, my name's Kristoff Bjorman" he said in a gruff voice. 

Wait... Bjorman? Surely he couldn't be...

"Oh, the ice harvester kid?" one of the girls said in contempt. 

Why'd she have to be so mean?

"Hey, you're the ice harvester right? Thanks for selling my family the ice for my sculptures"

"Oh, um, thanks" he said with a tiny smile. 

She smiled back, just a tiny one but it seemed to make all the difference. That's when her sister walked in. 


"Elsa, they sorted me into this class because they couldn't fit me into creative writing" Anna said with a pout. 

"Anna, it'll be fine. Just do creative writing in here. Art is just a subject where you do what you want anyway"

"If you say so"

That's when Anna spotted Kristoff. 



They started talking - or more like bickering once he called Hans a "pretty boy".

Elsa just wandered over to the ice blocks in the corner. 

She immediately started hacking at the ice to get  her basic outline. 

That's when the girls from before came in. 

For some reason, they made a beeline towards her. 

"Are you Jack's sister?"

"What? No"


"I'm just new"

And she went back to her sculpture. 

The blonde one spoke up then. 

"Guys, this is even better!"

"What is?" the redhead said in a Scottish accent

"We play Jack's game"

Elsa wasn't really paying attention. Big mistake. 

"Girl, you're in for a makeover"

Who was?

They were all looking at her, waiting. 

Wait, no. They couldn't mean... her?? 

What the hell??!! She didn't even know these girls!

"I don't even know you!"

"Oh, Rapunzel, Merida and Periwinkle" the blonde said, pointing to herself, then the redhead, then the other platinum blonde. And now Elsa was more confused. If people had seen Jack and Periwinkle with platinum blonde hair, why'd they still ask if hers was natural?? Anyway, why was she sidetracking. What a stupid thing to think about.

They looked at her again. As if they'd cleared everything up.

"Um, I still don't know you or why I need a makeover"

"Because we're going to make Jack fall for you"


"He broke our hearts, he deserves retribution" Periwinkle said.

Elsa did not want to be in this at all. Like, at all.

"Um, it was great to meet you but I uh, gotta, uh, get back to carving this up"

That's when Jack came in. Oh shit... Elsa knew something bad was about to happen. 

"Hey, I came in to get my phone I left here when I last picked up..."

Elsa saw Rapunzel stiffen. 

Then she saw Rapunzel pick something small up and hurl it at Jack. 

"Take your damn phone you big jerk!" Rapunzel screamed

Jack calmy caught it before coming over. 

"Rapunzel - you really need to get a lid on that temper. Been hanging out with Mer I see"

Then Merida pushed him onto Elsa's ice statue which promptly broke. 

Now that made HER angry. 

"All you morons need to STOP! You just broke a perfectly good creation of mine with your dumb fighting. Why'd you push his fat butt onto my statue? Now it's ruined because you have a goddamn temper and I don't even know you! But I can already tell.Why don't you take your drama OUTSIDE where you can't screw up other people's things when they're trying to be PRODUCTIVE??"

Then she took in a breath and gave them an icy glare before walking over to Anna. 

"That was awesome" Anna said giddily as she scribbled it all into her notepad. 

"Anna, it was not awesome and we are going home. This was our last class anyway"


She saw the way Anna looked back at Kristoff and narrowed her eyes. Apparently, they did not like each other...

Elsa was ashamed of the way she'd acted. 

I never lose my cool like that. But it was my ice sculpture... and it was shaping up to be so good. I was thinking of gifting my mum and dad on their anniversary tomorrow. But I can't do another one by then. I need more than lesson.

"Elsa! Wait up!"

"Not you again" I sighed when Periwinkle walked up to me. 

"Elsa, come on. He broke your statue, he broke our hearts. He breaks the best things. Do you really want to deny us revenge. And you the chance to stand out?"

"I never asked to stand out. And why are you asking me?"

"Because you're like the perfect combo of us three"


"My looks, Merida's anger, Punzie's artistic flair. He'd totally fall for you. And then we could crush him like a bug"

"Why so elaborate a plan?"

"Pranks won't work. Come on, we just wanna give him a taste of his medicine. Just listen to us and it'll turn out perfectly"

"Um, no it won't"

"Yes, it will. Come on Elsa, we just need this and then we'll never bother you. Anyway, it'll only be for a month or two"

"You won't ever bother me again?"


"Just a month"

"Or two"

"Or two"


"Hmm, fine"

"Awesome, we'll be at your place tomorrow afternoon!" she squealed.

"Great" but there was no enthusiasm behind it. Elsa walked into her house and slumped.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

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