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I stared at the little pregancy test.

No, no, no, no, NO!

I couldn't be pregnant.

This wasn't happening. 

I walked out, my head hanging. 

After that night, I couldn't bear to look at him. I was too scared. 

So when I saw him that day, I hid behind Elsa. She didn't notice but Kristoff did. He came over and pretty much shielded me with his body. 

I looked up at him gratefully and peeked out to see Jack punch Hans. They were fighting in the middle of the hallway and I was staring transfixed. 

Hit him harder I thought. 

Jack lay on the ground, passed out. He'd been part of it too?

But he'd punched Hans. I just couldn't reconcile the two images. Him being mixed up in a plot with Hans vs him punching Hans.

He came around later, Elsa helping him up. He stared at me after saying that it was my story to tell. 

I bit my lip and looked at Kristoff. I didn't know when I'd begun to rely on him so much. I just knew I trusted him more than anyone. 

He took my hand and squeezed it. 

"Go on Anna" he said. 

"OK" I breathed in and out. Better to just get it over with. 

"I was raped"

Elsa gasped before staring at me. 


"I - "

"Couldn't you tell me? We would have filed a police complaint. Who did it?? I'll finish him!" Elsa seethed in anger. 

"It was --- Hans"

Kristoff just squeezed my hand tighter. 

I saw Elsa run her hands through her hair, watched her fists ball up. 

"Kristoff - you were - "

"Anna didn't want me to tell you"

"Are you kidding me?"

Elsa was pacing now. 

I remembered the morning after. When I walked in wearing Kristoff's clothes, Elsa had been more than a little shocked. 


I was walking home with Kristoff in his clothes.

"What are you going to tell her?" I asked

"What do you want me to tell her?"

"I don't know"

"Well, she'll wonder why you're wearing my clothes for one"

"How can we - "

"You took a shower at my place and I gave you my clothes because yours were filthy. That happens all the time right?"

"But why would I be at your house?"

"Well, you're not with Hans anymore obviously. We can say you broke up at the party and you came with me because I was the last one there"


I opened the door slowly to Elsa's stern figure.


"Why are you wearing Kristoff's clothes from the party?"

"Um, I-"

"I gave them to her. She got drunk and fought with Hans at the party. He was kissing some other girl. I took her home and she puked all over her own clothes. So I got her in the shower and gave her my own clothes."

"Well, at least she's home safe"

My eyes burned in shame, embarrassment, anger, humiliation and sadness. The betrayal had cut me deep and I watched the way Kristoff balled his fists. 

Safe? Far from it. 

End of flashback

"I can't believe you'd lie to me like that" Elsa said. 

"My baby sister... and I had no idea"

Elsa started to cry as she hugged Anna. 

Then Pitch spoke up. 

"Elsa, you had a revenge plan against Jack. Everyone ganged up on Jack. All of us missed the real villain"

"I know" Elsa said, her voice catching in the middle of 'know'. 

"So we need to change our target"

Merida stared at Pitch in surprise. 

"He has a point. But we're not going to make him fall for you Elsa. One: it's too obvious and Two: he doesn't have a heart anyway"

"Hear hear" Rapunzel said. 

Periwinkle was speaking to Jack, apologising on behalf of them all. 

Jack grinned before speaking. 

"I have a better idea"

"What do you mean?" Anna said. 

"We need to take away each of the things he loves"

"But we don't even know what those are"

"He's a spoilt brat who knows how to flirt" Kristoff said angrily. 

"Exactly" Jack pointed out. 

"So?" Peri said. 

All of them were looking at Anna: Pitch, Elsa, Jack, Kristoff, Mer, Punzie and Peri. 

Anna steeled herself as she heard her voie come out evenly. There was that tinge of bitterness and anger that coloured her every word about Hans now. 

"What is he without his money and girls?"

"Nothing" Elsa said in understanding. 

"So that means we get rid of the things that make him who he is"

The girls high fived as Pitch smiled. Things were about to get interesting. 

But before that...

"I have news"

"What is it Anna?"

"I'm pregnant"

"We need to - "

"I know you're going to say we should get an abortion. A teen pregnancy will get in the way of my studies and it's always going to remind me of the rape"

"Yes Anna"

"But I don't want to get rid of the child. I've always wanted to be a mum. Of course, I planned to have a kid with my husband at the age of 24 or something but.."

"But how are you going to do that Anna. What will we tell mum and dad?"

"The truth. We'll tell them the truth of what happened. All I know is that I want to keep the baby"

"Fine, fine"

The group looked at Anna, their faces a study in pity. She felt herself shatter a little more. She didn't really know why she was so averse to getting an abortion. Maybe it was because the baby didn't really have a fault. And she couldn't take the life of another person, especially a tiny one in her own body with no defenses. She wasn't against the concept of abortion, simply the idea of having one now. 

Then Kristoff stepped up right next to her. 

"I've never been one for children but Anna needs someone to help her with the baby. Someone so she doesn't become the single mom. And I - I'm willing to be that person"

Anna stared at Kristoff. 

What did he just say?

"You'll - "

"Yes Anna, I'll help you. We're friends after all. And I was the one who found you. I'm the one who'll help you get through this"

Anna suddenly felt warmer than she ever had, like she'd just been soaked in hot water. 

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