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I laughed at the way Anna walked up to me, anger in her eyes.

"What's the matter Anna?" I said pretending like I actually cared. 

She wavered a little before schooling her expression. 

"I needed some pictures of you"


This was surprising to say the least.

"Didn't you hear me?"

"I heard you, I'm just wondering why?"

"You're attractive and my friend wants some pictures of you"

"Uggh, she's one of those ugly bitches isn't she?"

"Not at all"

"I bet you're lying"

"Of course not, I've got some pictures. There's Jasmine and Cinderella"

"Well... who could say no to such pretty ladies?"

I was still suspicious.

"I know you're still freaked out by why I'm so fine with talking to you. But I've realised that you were probably just drunk and I can't blame you"

"Well, if you say so"

I lightly brushed a strawberry blonde curl from her eye and she shivered. 

Clearly she wasn't over me. 

She smiled at me softly. 

"So when do you want me to take the pictures?"

"After school I guess?"

"Are you okay with wearing underwear for it?"


If it meant I could suck some more girls in, why not?

"See you after school then" 

Anna walked away.


Ugh, that guy was such a leech. 

He just thought she'd forget and forgive?? 


But she'd have her revenge soon enough. And it would start with those very pictures he was so willing to take. 

"Anna!" Jasmine called. 

I turned with a smile. 

"So, did he go for it?"

Cinderella walked out, awaiting the answer.

"Jaz, Ellie, he tots fell for it!" The girls started hugging in excitement.

Anna loved Elsa's friends but then again, they were Elsa's friends. These girls were her friends though. 

"How did you feel?"

"Incredibly disgusted. When he saw you two, I felt like he was just getting ready to eat you or something"

Then Red ran out. 

"Big Bad Wolf he is, that Hans fellow"

Anna started laughing. 

"And you have been reading way too many fairytales"

"No, I just watched Red Riding Hood. You know? The one directed by the same person who directed Twiilight?"

"Yeah and?"

"It was so horrible! I love Amanda Seyfried but no one, and I mean no one could save that movie. Even the totally hot guys"

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