Getting A Lift

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Elsa looked around quickly.

"Hi Elsa" a boy in black said to her. 

Elsa wasn't about to be mean but she knew this boy. He creeped her out a little but she'd been raised to be polite. 

"Hi Peter"

"I prefer Pitch"

"Pitch? That's interesting..."

"You think so?"

He sounded hopeful all of a sudden. She hesitated. Interesting usually meant strange... but was much nicer. But when she thought about it, his choice of nickname was interesting. 

"Yeah, I do. Why'd you choose it?"

"So I could call myself Pitch Black"

"Oh, that's really cool. Nice wordplay"

"Thanks" he puffed up in pride. 

"So what are you doing Pitch?"

"Nothing really, just going home"

"Oh, I'm waiting for a friend"



"Oh, ok then, bye"

He walked away as she stared down the hallway. Anna had already left with Hans and now Elsa was waiting for her ride. 

"Elsa!" Peri shouted, Merida and Rapunzel in tow. 

"I didn't know Mer and Punzie were coming Peri"

"Oh yeah, we're going to this new club tonight"

"Ok then, well I can't come so just drop me off at home, k?"

"Sure Elsa"

"Elsa!" she heard someone call. Someone that sounded suspiciously like Jack. 

"Jack?" she squinted down the corridor. Yep, it was definitely him. 

Peri winked at Elsa who blushed. Elsa pushed the fall curl off her face and smiled as Jack ran up to her. 

"Hey Elsa"

"Hey Jack" she said calmy. Inside her heart was racing for some weird reason. 

"Do you already have a ride. Because I brought my car today for after practice... and we live right next to each other so..."

Peri nudged Elsa.

"Oh sure, I'd love a ride. The girls are going in the other direction anyway, don't want to inconvenience them"

"Ok, great"

Jack waved at Mer, Punzie and Peri. The girls smiled at him slyly. 

Elsa felt very bad all of a sudden. She shouldn't be doing this. Why had she signed up to such a harebrained scheme?

She hid her face as she followed Jack to his car. 

It was a medium sedan in a brilliant shade of cobalt. 

"Wow, your car is absolutely gorgeous"

"Yeah, actually it turns out Kristoff is pretty good at fixing cars up... he did the gears and then helped me with the paint job"

"Yeah, Kristoff's a pretty nice guy. I think my sister actually likes him a bit"

"But isn't she dating Hans?"

"Yeah... I still need to meet the guy properly though"

"Yeah, you should"

She missed the way Jack mumbled under his breath. 

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