The Bet

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Jack Overland Frost wasn't one to shy away from a bet. So being told to make the new girl fall for him was one he readily agreed to. After all, who could resist him?

The only downside? Elsa was really distant towards everyone so he had no clue how he'd go about wooing her. Hans was the one who came up with the bet. He was a bored rich boy with nothing to do while Jack was the poor kid who couldn't tell anyone about his academic sholarship and had to constantly prove his worth. He was in with the jocks but some were better than others and he'd recently started to wonder if he should have just hung out with the scholarship kids anyway... 

The Guardians. They were called that because they were on Guardian scholarships - those awarded to people with incredible gifts or from disadvantaged backgrounds if reviewers thought they had merit. 

He'd gotten in for being great at ice hockey but he was also reaally good at public speaking and social work. He knew what the others were there for because of the first day orientation but didn't really know them beyond that. 

Sandy was a mime, North was great at building things and Tooth was planning on running a photography company. Her catchphrase was something about saving memories. The big Aussie guy who had the unfortunate nickname Bunny (what a misnomer) was a lot more delicate than he seemed and did intricate artworks mostly along the lines of minitures and easter eggs (which Jack found a little strange but hey, each to their own). 

Hans was laughing about how he was going to get Anna and Jack had to restrain himself from letting out a disgusted groan at how graphic Hans was being. Sure, he'd wooed girls but he'd never actually done anything with them... he'd done it to prove something but he didn't actually want to hurt anyone. 

And he'd seen Elsa's temper. Actually, Elsa was a bit of an enigma... she was artistic definitely, had a pretty big temper and her looks were incredibly unique. But what did he know about her other than that? She was a smart multitasker? He settled on an idea and he knew he could befriend her and maybe she'd fall for him but even if she did, it woul be a clean break at the end. He'd make sure of it. 

"So Jack, are you in?"

"Uh yeah, course!" he said, trying to hide the hint of annoyance in his voice. Why did they have to treat girls this way simply because they were jocks? Was it just because they were rich morons with nothing to do? And why was he with them? But he was in for an athletic scholarship and he wasn't about to jepordise. Sometimes you just had to compromise. And if he didn't keep on doing ice hockey than he'd breach the requirements of his scholarship to be involved in an extracurricular. 

"Fine, Jack, you need to seduce Elsa in a month and then dump her"

"Um... can we make it two months in which I make her fall in love with me?"

"Ok whatever" Hans said before waggling his brows. 

"And I'm gonna score with little Anna before the month is through"

Jack felt like punching Hans. He'd been giving him the benefit of the doubt up till now. Now he saw that Hans was just a horny douchebag. 

"Ok, I need to leave, bye" he waved at them all before pulling on his blue hoodie and thrusting his hands in the pockets while walking home. He noticed Elsa and Peri talking but just continued on. 

When he got home, he was bombarded by his little sister Sophie. 


"Hey Em"

"Our new neighbours came over to the house today"

"How do you know?"

"I saw the lady come over to our house but she left when she realised we weren't there. I was walking home"

"Let's go say thanks then"

"OK!" Emma said happily. He still didn't know who his new neighbours were. He wondered what they'd think of the fact that he was an emancipated minor at 17 after his parents death and the legal custodian of Sophie... 

"Hel- " he said, taking in Elsa's wide eyed look. She slammed the door in his face and ran off. 

"What the hell?"

She opened up the door again, this time with ice cream cake in her hands. 

"Hi! Um, Jack right? We're your new neighbours. Sorry I ran off. I was getting this ice cream cake. Um, it's for you. I made it and mum said I should share with you guys and - also I'm sorry about yelling at you today"

"Slow down. You just said you had ice cream cake for us? That's a perfect apology"

Emma was grinning up at Elsa and Jack found himself staring at her too. He had to make her fall in love with him and here she was, making him ice cream cake. He felt guilty now. 

"Oh, I don't really cook very well or I would have gotten you something too..." he said. Jack was secretly apologising for what he was going to do even if she didn't know it. 

"Don't worry about it. I didn't know you were our neighbours. Also, I'd say meet Anna but she's out with Hans. Jack tried to hide his wince and he succeeded because Elsa had already turned around and walked to the kitchen. Sophie sneezed and Elsa turned, immediately asking questions. 

"Do you need Panadol? Chicken soup? Maybe you should save the ice cream for later"

Emma giggled and Jack ruffled her hair in affection. He thought he saw Elsa's gaze soften and then she whipped out a saucepan and container. 

She put the cake in the container and started melting chocolate in the saucepan. Soon she had three steaming mugs of hot chocolate for all of them. 

While they drank, no one spoke except for Sophie. 

"This is the best hot chocolate ever! You know, this boy in  my class called Jamie was telling me all about how wants to have a Guardian as a mentor and that his sister really loved Bunny. She liked his easter egg designs. And Jamie wants to do ice hockey. Jack, you could teach Jamie, right? I mean, you're - "

She broke off as Jack shook his head. 

"- you're the best ice hockey player. And I was wondering who makes those ice sculptures in the figure skating school. Because I stopped by there with my ice skating friend and they were beautiful. I would learn to skate just so I could see them"

Jack saw Elsa blush. 

"Elsa makes them" he said to Emma while smiling. Emma turned to Elsa in awe and grinned even wider. 

"Em, we should be getting home. I have homework and so do you"

"Yeah, I should start on my homework too. UM, lovely meeting you two" Elsa said as they all got up. 

Elsa then noticed a storm has started up and that Emma didn't have a jacket. 

"Wait here" Elsa cam back down with a warm light blue jumper that said Arendelle Ice School on the back. 

"Here you go Em and here Jack, don't forget the cake"

They walked out, Elsa waving before shutting the door. Once they were in the house, Emma had run upstairs, hugging the jacket close to her. 

Jack stared at the cake in his hands, already hating himself for not just calling the bet off 

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