New Start

257 13 16


I stared down the aisle at Eugene. 

It was weird. Me, Merida and Periwikle had missed out on our true loves because we'd been fighting over Jack. 

But wasn't that the beauty of it all?

Their fighting and subsequent plan had brought Jack and Elsa together. It had brought them all the happy endings they deserved. 

She was only saddened that Anna's happy ending wasn't the one she'd originally hoped for. 

I saw my mum and dad in the corner and my new chameleon was sitting on my shoulder. 

"Pascal, this is going to be the best day ever!"

Pascal didn't say anything, he just jumped off my shoulder and scuttled over to my mum. 

I walked up to Eugene, smiling. 

I looked over my shoulder to see Jack and Elsa holding hands, the two of them sitting as close as they could. 

Finally. After 3 years of being head over heels, they were finally dating. 

I reached the little altar as Eugene smiled at me. He looked so handsome today... 

"You look beautiful" he whispered. 

I felt myself grin as the priest started reading out the vows. 

"Do you, Rapunzel Corona take Eugene Fitzherbert as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" 

"Do you, Eugene Fitzherbert, take Rapunzel Corona as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"You may now kiss - "

I didn't wait. 

I just kissed him. 

He was taken by surprise but wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. 

We broke apart to the sound of cheering and laughed.

"You just can't resist me, can you?" Eugene joked. 

That was it. He was so confident and cocky but yet, he was still so sweet and kind. 

I think that's what drew me to Jack originally too. 

But Eugene was somehow warmer and he wasn't nearly as much of a prankster. 

Jack's pranks had been the one thing I'd not liked as much. That and how unromantic he was with me. 

But as I watched him and Elsa, it was obvious to anyone watching that he was her perfect match, and she was his.

"No, I can't" she grinned before kissing him again. 


Jack held my hand while we walked to the reception hall. 

I'd never known what people meant when they said they were on cloud 9 (and I'd always wondered why they used the number 9) but now I did. 

With Jack's slightly cold hand in my own cold hand, I was on cloud 9.

"Your hands are cold"

"Yeah, I forgot to get some gloves this morning. I thought it would be warm."

"We're in Canada Els, what did you expect?"

"I guess you're right about that"

"We,, it's a good thing I forgot gloves too then" he laughed. 

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