Epilogue/ Final Chapter

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Jimin was running around rereading and memorizing his little love paragraph while Taehyung was fixing his tux and Jungkook was doing his hair.

"No Jungkook, make it wavy but not too wavy." Tae said from across the room.

"Shush and iron his pants, I know what I'm doing."

Jimin smiled at the pair, they may be idiots but they're truly meant for one another. He had set the earings he wanted to wear on the counter. Jungkook had forbid him to wear any other accessories, only earings.

Yoongi on the other hand was screaming as he ran around in his boxers and a T shirt.

"Oh my god oh my god wheres the CD?!"

Seokjin and Namjoon burst through the door, Seokjin with hair products and a straightener and Namjoon with tuxes and a small box of acessories and a container of make up cause why the hell not.

As soon as their eyes were set apon Yoongi in his breifs, they sighed and eyed him up and down.

"Oh nonono honey this won't do." Jin said.

Seokjin ushered him into a seat and plugged in the curling iron, the straighting iron, the extra lighting, and pulled out his box of make up brushes. Yoongi just stared at the materials and looked up at Seokjin.


Namjoon came walking into the room holding a small, thin case with a disk inside. Yoongi gasped and shot out of his chair and grabbed the disk.

"You found it."

"What is it?" Jin asked.

"Something special for a someone special."

Yoongi smiled softly before setting it aside and plopping down into the seat once again.

"Aight Jin, don't fuck up my hair and Namjoon don't fuck up my tux."

They both waved their hands and scoffed.

"I know what im doing." They both said in sync.

Jungkook was blow drying Jimin's hair and Taehyung was ushering around cause he lost his phone.

Finally when Jungkook had Jimin's hair exactly the way he wanted it to look he backed up and looked at Jimin as if he was a trophy.

Taehyung had finally found his camrea and took a picture. Jimin put the rest of his tux on and smiled into the mirror.

Jimin might have looked amazing and confident, but his heart was beating faster than an elephant running from a mouse. He began sweating and fanned himself with his hands, "Is it hot in here for anyone or is it just me?"

"Its you Jimin." Taehyung said.

"Hey, its going to be fine don't be so nervous." Jungkook reassured.

"Ha well you get married then, I'm sure you'll be even more nervous than me."

"Whats there to be nervous about, he loves you. He wouldn't have proposed if he doesn't, I'm sure hes nervous as hell too."

And Jungkook was right, Yoongi was more nervous than anything. His anxiety was going haywire and he was paranoid and worried about every single detail. His tux had to be ironed and of course completely comfortable, basically everything had to be comfortable or he wouldn't be okay.

Finally once the Mins had their tuxes on and everything set it was the stylists turn to get ready.

Jungkook had his hair wavy and he had done his own makeup, Taehyung straightened his hair and Jungkook did his makeup for him, Seokjin straightened his hair and like Jungkook he did his own makeup and he did Namjoon's too, Namjoon had his bangs curled to a wave in front of his forehead and the rest was wavy. They all wore tuxes and looked like they could all get married as well.

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