Chapter 20

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A/n: surprise

Taehyung pov.

"I..I love you.."

Ive been in love with Jungkook for so long.. hearing those words made me happier than anything.

Ive known Jungkook all my life he's always been there for me and has helped my family and I so much.

Hes caring and strong.. we were best friends. I started developing feelings for him a year ago but made sure to keep them hidden and buried when near him and others.

My heart ached everytime he smiled at someone else. Laughed with someone else. Joked with someone else. Enjoy being with someone other than me..

He said he was only going to join this load of crap cause he needed money and there was no where else to go.

Jungkook truly is someone I dont believe I deserve.. Ive done so much wrong in my life.. I think I'm disgusting, my scars are enough to prove what I've been through.

Though.. everytime I was hurt or needed someone, Jungkook was there. He helped me stand back up, he helped me stopped hurting myself, he helped me learn emotion again. I've fallen harder than I thought I ever could for Jungkook. But I've always kept the thought hammered into my brain "He doesnt think of you that way."

Hearing him actually say the words Ive been wanting to say to him for so long was something I couldn't dream of.

Multiple tears began streaming my face like a river. I ran into Jungkook's arms, him also with tears flowing down his cheeks.

He wrapped his arms around me protectivly like always but this time I felt protectived and loved. I smiled into his shoulder and hugged him tighter.

"I love you too.."

"Ive loved you for so long you don't know Tae.."

The tears didnt seem to stop.

"I don't wanna do this anymore Jungkook.."

I hid my face in his shoulder, "I don't want to hurt anybody anymore.."

"Tae.. we're going to get out here alright? Were going to be alright.."

All of this was to calm me down..

Inside, I knew. I was never going to get out of here.

I gripped Jungkooks shirt amd whispered, "But you know we're never getting out of here."

He pulled me closer, "I reassure you, we will get out of here."

Right when we released each other from our arms there was a loud door slam and a women was screaming before a loud bang was echoed throughout the hallways.

I sighed, we lost another one..

It's that, the innocent screams of terror from innocent people. Its that that keeps me up at night. I don't want to hurt or cause anyone pain..

Ive wanted to leave and quit so many times.. but once you see something here you're not allowed to leave.


When in doubt, make a filler. I wanted to show Taehyungs part of this. I may do more idrk but I wanted to have a special pov for this chapter. Thank you for the votes and comments I love reading comments and I appreciate every vote I get.

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