Chapter 2

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Yoongi Pov.

Who'd want to befriend me anyway.

●3 years ago●

My siblings had fallen into a mud puddle and I was told to clean them off and my dog Molly came in with her paws coated with mud too,  I chuckled and washed her off too.

It was often like this at the farm, my mother would be traveling somewhere searching for work and my father would be selling food at the market. It was fun at the farm and I was happy.

Though it didnt seem to last.

It was midnight and everyone was asleep but me, I was busy cleaning and finishing some housework. Then I heard rustling and I grabbed a bat and flattened myself against the wall. There was a sound of glass shattering as someone broke the window. I stayed quite as they all shuffled in, there were at least 5 of them. They began yelling and they screamed my dad's name.

I herd someone scream across the hall and my siblings crying. Not only that as I turned around, my dad was being dragged out of his bedroom and my mom by his side. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and my reflexes kicked in and I swung my bat and hit whoever was there square in the face, possibly broke their nose. They waled and yelled for the others.

Instantly I tried hitting all of them but there were too many. I got punched in the stomach and as I doubled over they pushed me to the floor and my dad was yelling at them to get off me.

But as soon as I looked up at him a gun went off and he fell to the floor.

He was gone.

My mother screamed and one of the men shut her up by tightening their grip on her neck. I screamed for her and tried getting up to fight but they held me down. My mother struggled to get the man's arm off her neck, She kicked the man in the balls and she fell gasping for air. I took this as my chance to break out as the mans grip on me loosened. I grabbed my bat once again. I fell into a rage and I slammed the bat into the back of their heads till all of them blacked out and I rushed to my mother's side. She was coughing but she seemed okay. She sat on the couch as I went to check on my siblings.

I walked in to see my brother protectively hugging my sister who was crying, huddled in a corner.

But then there was a single scream and another gunshot was fired. I grabbed my bat once more and ran out to the living room. I saw my mother on the now soaked crimson red couch.

I looked around but the killer had vanished. Frusterated and emotionally unstable, I yelled out in pain and anger as I threw everything off the table in front of me and fell to the floor crying.

I ran back to check on my siblings- the only people I had left, I told them it'll be okay, but I knew they knew I was lying.

My siblings and I had packed our bags and moved into an apartment with some other people who would care for us.

It was then my mood had darkened and I shut everybody out around me. I couldn't open up to anyone cause I couldn't trust them, I didn't talk to anyone cause why bother when they would leave anyway. I hated everything.

When I turned 21 I left I couldn't stay here anymore, I can't just sit around silent and frustrated for the rest of my life. Maybe, I'll see them again when I can rebuild myself.

I was on my own, I needed a place to live and work. Passing by there was a flyer for a server boy in the castle, 'job open', and my answer was found. Later I got a letter saying I got the job and I moved into the castle with the royal family.

The queen and the king seemed nice and polite but I could see the look in their eyes, the tone of their voice, the way they looked at me at first, I just stood and tried to act as polite as I could. I didn't need pity I just needed a place to stay and money. The prince was nowhere to be seen so I didn't bother asking. The prince and I were the same age but who cares, we're too different and I'm not someone you'd like to be friends with anyway. He would never pay attention to someone like me.

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