Chapter 42

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Jimin pov.

I watched as they unchained Yoongi and his wrists were red and bruised. Once they unchained his feet he couldnt stand up, he fell onto the floor and groaned as he held his stomach and chest.

I ran to his side and he wrapped his arms around me before I could. I could feel the blood sticking to my clothes. I didnt care about that I only cared about Yoongi. I held him tighter and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'd hate to break up this little love feast.."

Guards began to come closer and as soon as I felt one of them touch my arm I shot up and punched him in the jaw. He fell to the ground. Unconscious.

I didnt hesitate to punch the other guard out too.

As soon as I did I turned to face my father which my fists clenched and my knuckles bleeding. Hatred fumed from his eyes and mine flamed with a firey passion.

I picked up blade from across the wall and held my stance. He didnt even flinch, instead he picked up a sword of his own and swung it around and smirked.

"You really want to do this?"

I held the sharp object tighter and looked back on all my sword lessons and secret extra lessons with a guard who said he wanted to help but I knew it was out of pity for me.

I didn't respond he knew my answer when I swung.


Filler, I wrote this on the bus aha.

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