Chapter 14

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Jimin pov.

I woke up with the sun shining brightly in my face disturbing my slumber.

I sighed as I opened my eyes and stretched. I slumped back into the couch as flashbacks from yesterday were going through my head. I didn't have time to cry nor did I have anything left in me to cry.

I sat on the couch and watched as the sun continued to rise until I was called down for breakfast.

I washed my face and fixed my hair slightly before I headed down. My father had another disgusting smirk and he sneered at me when I sat down.

As the servants brought out the food I kept my eyes on Yoongi. He had an expressionless face and he didnt make eye contact or look at me at all.
I watched as he retreated back to the kitchen and disappeared behind the door.

I quickly finished my food and tried to go find Yoongi however I was stopped.

"Jimin son, I need you to run me an errand."

"Why not have one of the servants do it?"

"Fine then, Ill have Yoongi run the errand for me."

"Ah no need I can do it.", Jimin grumbled.

"Wonderful. Ill need you to get me this rare tea in the supermarket in the kingdom. Its arranged to arrive at 7pm and I need you to go fetch it for me."

I nodded and then I headed off to find Yoongi. I knocked on his door, no reply but I swore I herd something. I waited. I could hear someone moving and what I think is soft crying.

I knocked again, "Yoongi.. its me. Can I come in?"

I got a stern "No." for an answer.

"Yoongi please. I couldnt do anything I was forced to by my father, you don't know how much I wanted to smack every single one of those cake faced brats and run up to embrace you. Yoongi Im so sorry if I could go back and do something I would. Please, you mean so much to me and I need you.."

I waited.

"But the thing is you didnt do anything you sat there quiet and watched everything. You didnt help nor defend me.. You think I wanted to go out to give you tea with the ladies? I really didnt, I wanted to make your father happy but it was only for a cruel joke. You couldnt even make eye contact with me. I felt so.." he paused. "so alone. Like how I always felt before. Alone. I thought having you by my side would help me although it seems you can be fine without me. Please just leave me alone for a bit.."

"But Yoongi I-"


I flinced from how rough his voiced sounded. I could hear the cracks in it but I understood it wasnt a good time to talk.. I walked back to my room and sat on the couch on the balcony again and watched as the sun went down.

I glances at the clock. 6:30pm

My eyes widen as I bolted down the stairs to get ready to go. I quickly choose a random pair of shoes along with a mask and a hat, and ran out if the palace where I saw my horse waiting for me.

I quickly rode to the market and made sure to keep my head down and my mask on my face. I arrived at 6:55pm and I ran into the store.

"Hello. Im here to pick up the kings tea?" I tried using casual speech rather than formal but it didn't work.

A man behind the counter nodded and brought out a bag, before I could turn away and head back he clutched my hand and gave me a small smile.

"Tell yee father that you a good kid."

My eyes widen as he realized I was the Prince.

"My boy, its getting dark and there ee have been alot of ur kidnappes these days. I herd they take girls and boy like ee too. Have no idea what they do with em. Be safe. You ee is the future king."

I lowered my mask and smiled at the man, "Thank you sir."

"Now hurry on its 7:10."

I looked outside and the sun was already going down. I put my mask back on and ran outside to where my horse was, or was supposed to be.

It was gone.

I ran around the area looking for it thinking it got itself loose and was wondering around. I couldnt find it anywhere.

I decided to just go by foot.

I checked my watch again, 7:15.

I was getting chills as I continued walking. I felt eyes on me. Though when I turned around no one was there. The sun continued to set and it was getting darker by the minute.

I decided to run as it was closing to 7:30 and it was getting quite dark.

I ended up tripping on a rock and fell. My knee started bleeding and I sat on the ground and clutched it. It wasnt bad but it stung like hell. The tea was still in my pocket so I was glad about that.

I brushed myself off and checked the time again.

7:58 pm

I began running again.

It was 8:10 when I stopped to take a break and it was dark at the time. I was beginning to get nervous. My anxiety was kicking in.

I continued walking relying on the moon to provide me light.

Chills went down my back every now and then and Id check behind me and around me.

There ees been alot of kidnappes these days..

I walked faster.

I herd they take girls and ee boys like you too..

I quickened my pace once again.

Have no idea what they do with them..

I broke out into a sprint.

You ee is the future king..

I felt a foot underneath mine and I fell once again. I picked myself up only for a cloth to cover my mouth. I had my mask on but the liquid that was on the cloth was seeping through. I struggled as much as I could. My movements were slowing down, my eyes were dropping, the last thing I remember was darkness as I lost feeling in my body and I passed out.


Ive been gone for so long, 1060 words to make up for how long I was gone. This was orginally going to be a filler chapter but it turned into this. Thank you for reading 'Crowns' Ily all💕

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