Chapter Two | Gotta Dash

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Our hotel room was attached to the Vidcon building so all Noah and I had to do was rush down several flights of stairs and down a few corridors till we finally made our way into the main events centre.

Vidcon was about to start and I had the vlog camera in my hand. No people were inside yet, but people were starting to crowd around the glass doors. Especially when they all saw Noah.

People usually ask me what it feels like to 'tag along' with her. Personally I think that's a stupid question. I'm not tagging along, I'm just the girl behind the camera. We're a team. We have two different parts to play. She's the entertainer and I film. Kinda like Batman and Robbin. Except they don't film YouTube videos for a living.

"What're we up to now Noah?" I ask from behind the camera. She turns around with her dark hair flicking gracefully.

"Well Kelsey, right now we are at Vidcon in Los Angeles! I'm very excited to finally meet some more of my shining stars." She says with a pretty smile.

Her 'shining stars' were her supporters, subscribers, fans, whatever you wanna call them. But a few years ago she started her intro saying, 'Hello my shining stars!' and from that day on it just kinda stuck.

Personally I think it's adorable.

"Currently Kelsey and I are going to find Logan and hopefully he knows what to do next because to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing." She laughs. I giggle behind the camera before stopping the video and turning it towards all of the supporters outside the glass doors. When they spotted the camera they all went wild with excitement, holding their signs and fan-art against the windows.

Noah and I both wave with big smiles on our faces before I turn the camera off and slot it into my pocket. "So where do you think we'll find Logan?" I ask. Noah hums for a second.

But then the air gets filled with loud chanting from outside. "LO-GAN! LO-GAN! LO-GAN!" People yell.

Noah looks at me and nods towards outside. "I think we found him."


Both Noah and I had somehow managed to get out onto the courtyard without being spotted... yet. The place was literally packed with hundreds or even thousands of people. Half of them were running towards this foundation while yelling Logan's name at the top of their lungs.

I look at Noah wide eyed. "Holy shit." I say pulling the camera back out to catch some of the action.

"This is crazy.." She mutters. I film all the fans rushing up towards this water fountain to see Logan standing there. He had his vlogging camera out and was filming all of the Logang.

"C'mon let's go see him," I cheer. Noah replies with a nod before we both weave our way through the huge crowd. We stick closely together incase one of us ends up getting lost in the massive sea of people.

Suddenly I hear someone shout Noah's name and then mine shortly after. "Oh crap here we go.." Noah mutters as hundreds of fans come racing up to us while screaming their heads off.

Somehow we both managed to sprint though the crowds to Logan before anyone could tackle us or something crazy like that. I was filming the whole time and I knew this was gonna be good vlog footage.

Noah and I jump up the stairs two at a time till we manage to get to Logan. He looks around at his fans with a smile before he finally recognises us both.

"Yo, Noah and Kels! How are you girls doing!?" He asks clearly still really pumped about all the excitement happening around us.

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