I Could Never Hate You

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*Just an update: Since school started recently, I'm gonna try to update every other weekend or something. Thanks for reading!!

"Alexander!" Eliza called exhaustedly. "Did you find Philip's rattle yet?"

A distant voice from upstairs yelled back, "I'm on it honey! He must've hid it somewhere..."

"Please hurry!" Eliza shouted again. "He's getting really restless!"

Then right on cue, little five-month-old Philip Hamilton wailed loudly, spitting all over Eliza as he did.


"Got it!"

Moments later, a tired looking Alexander Hamilton bustled down out of the baby's room and down the stairs. He was holding a baby rattle in the shape of a turtle. It was a gift from Laurens naturally.

Eliza took the rattle from her husband's hand and shook it slightly in front of Philip's face.

"Look Philip! It's your favorite toy! Give mama a big smile!" Eliza said smiling at her son. Philip looked at her with a curious look but then started crying again.

Eliza groaned. "This is hopeless! He's been like this all day! I've tried holding him, feeding him, burping him-none of its working!"

"Let me try." Alex said. Eliza hesitantly handed Philip over to him and watched what he would do.

He started to raise the baby up in the air and spin him around. "Hey buddy, there's no reason to be upset. Mommy and daddy loves you and I know that one day, you'll blow us all away!"

To both of their reliefs, Philip finally stopped crying. He giggled and tried to copy his father's words but it just came out as unidentifiable baby noises.

"Alright then, I guess that deserves a great dinner cooked my me!" Eliza said.

"Don't forget to turn the stove off after you're done." Alex told her. "We don't want to risk a fire like last time."

Eliza blushed when she remembered her recent mistake. "I'll keep that in mind. Besides, I don't want to ruin dinner on the night Peggy and Angelica come to visit."

Alex's eyes sparked with excitement. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot! It's gonna be great to catch up with my sisters-in-law."

He picked up Philip's hand and waved it around playfully. "I bet they'll be happy to see me too Daddy! I promise to make a great impression and not puke on them!"

Eliza rolled her eyes, though she had to admit that that was very cute. "That's a pretty hard promise to keep."

"I think he can do it." Alex said. "Philip's gonna run Manhattan one day!"

She laughed and kissed them both on the forehead. She couldn't wait until her sisters came over and her family would be full again.


Three hours later, the guests had arrived.

"ELIZA, ALEX!" Angelica and Peggy both exclaimed together. There was a lot of hugging and laughing before they all stepped inside.

"Wow," Angelica remarked. "the place is looking better from last time!"

"Really? What gave it away?" Eliza asked.

"Well for starters, the couch isn't in the middle of the kitchen..."

"Haha! Well, it has been several months since we moved in." Alex laughed.

"True, but what about the little baby?" Angelica said.

"Yeah where is he?!" asked Peggy a little too enthusiastically. The only time she saw him before was two months ago in January 22 2013, the day Philip was born. Even then she wasn't allowed to see him long.

Eliza and Alex glanced at each other worriedly. "He isn't on his best behavior right now..."

"Oh so that's the faint crying sound from upstairs." Angelica commented sarcastically.

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