Belated Bandiversary!

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The Bandiversary was coming up and all the girlfriends got together (See what I did there) a week and a half before the day and planned a little scavenger hunt for the boys. It took at least a week to complete (or in my case an hour to work out the details and a few hours to type it out).

By the time the anniversary rolled around, the plan was set into motion. They had the boys have a sort-of "sleepover" on the tour bus so they could complete it together (Ack! Cheesy!) and so the girls could use the house as the base of operations. When they woke up, there was a note attached to the door saying: Head to the nearest college. This will substitute for Oberlin Conservatory of Music.

They headed to some college (Cause your author is lazy) and were greeted by the sound of a familiar song. They all started laughing, except for Maxx.

"Oh my God, it's I May Not Be Fred Flinstone but I Can Make Your Bed Rock from Baby, You Don't Tripajaharda." Cody wheezed between laughs.

"Oh yeah! Your first EP." Maxx nodded.

"Uh, mini EP." Dan corrected.

"I can't believe this." Zach shook his head and took the next note. It stated: You're feeling old, right? Next go to the coffee shop down the street. It signifies Cody singing Coffee House Soundtrack for All Time Low and where Set It Off became a possibility.

The boys made their way to a coffee shop called Tall, Dark, and Coffee where they were greeted by a friendly barista who had made all their favorite coffees.

"Mmmm. This is delicious." Dan smiled.

"I can't believe someone would do this for us." Zach commented.

"If you ask my opinion, I'd say it was the girls." Maxx suggested.

Cody nodded. "I think you're right. They're just amazing like that." After taking a sip of his coffee, he then added, "Where to next?"

The same barista came over and handed them another note, saying: This is Our Introduction to Outselling every other bandiversary. 9 years and 60 songs to show for it, not counting acoustics and repeats obviously. That's pretty impressive! Can't wait till you have at least 143 songs to your names. But Houston, We're Going Down to a venue where Pages and Paragraphs come to life. So Text Me, Kelly, when you're there. I Promise we will respond.

They all started laughing. "Oh my God! It's all the songs from Calm Before the Storm!" Zach exclaimed.

"That's just awesome!" Maxx smiled.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Dan said and they all left to find that venue.

When they arrived, they saw that the stage was set up the same way it was when they filmed Hush, Hush. They were completely awestruck.

"Wow! They're really pulling out all the stops here!" Cody mused and the others nodded.

Maxx went up to the bass drum and pulled off a note that said: Hush, head to the park not too far from here to find the next clue. Just make sure you don't bring any other bodies with you. Hush.

"To the park!" Cody exclaimed.

When they arrived, they each texted their girlfriend Kelly like the note said. Dan found the next note taped to a tree. Breathe In, Breathe Out, we promise today won't End in Tragedy. Just listen to Ashley's Song once and then @Reply us on Twitter so we can keep up on your progress. Hopefully there weren't any Horrible Kids there to bother you. I Think It's Arrogance that makes them act that way. Anyways, Third Wheel it back to the house because we left a special present for you. Just know that while you're going through this, we're all Missing You. Now go Chase It!

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