First Snow

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A/n I'm a Midwestern girl and I take snow seriously. Honestly, snow is my absolute FAVORITE. So I decided to write this. I'm sure the boys have seen and experienced snow, but let's pretend they haven't, shall we? It'll make this way more fun! I hope you like this!

Cody Carson:


"You said this when we went to that Haunted House too!" I whined. "It's just a bit of snow and it'll be so fun!"

He shook his head. "No way. I'm too busy, you know that!" He exclaimed.

I started pouting, stamping my feet like a two-year-old. I was wearing my new snow boots and warm winter jacket and gloves. I also had the hat on my grandma knitted when I went away to college. "Please Hero! Just for an hour?"

"No." He growled. "You'd have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming."

"Challenge accepted."

"I was being sarcastic." He huffed. He was wearing his winter coat, hat, gloves, and snow boots like me. He was making himself shiver so I would feel sorry for him, but I refused to bend and let him head back inside.

"Don't care." I smiled innocently and he growled again. I groaned. "If you're going to be a spoilsport about this, you can go back inside and I'll be depressed."

"I just don't see any fun about snow. It's just crushed ice; how much fun is that?" He objected.

My jaw dropped. "Na-no fun? Well, I'm about to show you how wrong you are."

His eyebrow perked up as I started to pack snow into a ball. "What are you doing?"

I placed the snowball on the ground and started to roll it around. Thank goodness this was good backing snow or else this would have been a disaster. I looked up at him and blew the hair out of my face. "Make a snowball and start helping."

He held his hands up and started to get to work. Two minutes later, he tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Is this good?" He held up a snowball about the size of a large watermelon.

I paused before I said. "It's perfect for the head."

"Head?" He questioned.

I groaned. "We're making a snowman Clarinet! Do you know what that is?"

"Yes, I know what that is." He mumbled.

When I had rolled a large enough snowball into place in the middle of the front yard. I nodded at my work and turned back to Cody. "I'm going to need your help to make the second snowball."

He nodded and we got to work. When it was not as big as the base but not as small as the head, we assembled the snowman's body. I took a step back and admired our work.

"Ok, now we need buttons, a carrot, a handful of pebbles, two sticks, and an old scarf, hat, and gloves." I listed. "Ready go!"

He went around back to get the pebbles and sticks and I went inside to get everything else. When I came back out, there was Cody, concentrating on getting the mouth just right. I watched as he dropped a pebble three times. When he dropped it once more, he cursed and took off his glove so he could place it.

I chuckled as I came up behind him. "Having fun?" I asked.

"I want it to be perfect." He muttered as he continued.

I shook my head and took care of the hat, gloves, scarf, eyes, nose. When it was all done, we stood back and smiled, our hands intertwined. "It looks amazing Freak." I teased. "And you didn't want to come out here and build a snowman out with me." I started laughing.

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