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A/N A little AU thing I just HAD to write before you move in with your Set It Off boy. I bet you can guess what song this is referencing. If not FAKE FAN! Nah I'm just kidding! Come back! I'm a nice person I swear!

Cody Carson:

We pulled up to the pawn shop and Cody grabbed my hand to kiss it. No matter what, his "good luck kiss" still made me blush. He led me to the back of the van where the rest of the crew was already assembled.

"Guys," He stated. "We knew we weren't going to live forever. We knew this was going to end at one point or another. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna back. I'd follow you unto the ends of the Earth. I'm asking for you to follow me right now."

He always started every spree with the same little spiel. I would always roll my eyes, but deep down, I was scared. I wasn't ready to die, if it came to that. I wanted to settle down and plant roots with Cody someday. Sure we'd be outlaws forever, but Cody would always protect me and so would the rest of the guys. One day I would be ready to go, but today was not that day.

We exited swiftly and quietly. Cody still had my hand in his and it oddly made me feel safer. Usually I got uncomfortable when the other guys saw us holding hands, but today felt different. Something was going to go wrong, I was sure of it.

I pulled Cody to the back and whispered. "We shouldn't do this. Not today."

Now, usually Cody always believed me. No matter how crazy I sounded, he would always believe me and take everything I said to heart. But not today. "What are you kidding? Today is perfect. You're just getting over anxious. Do you wanna hang back with Zach in the van?"

See? He always took care of me. But that didn't mean I was going to agree. "No, I NEED to be with you. In case something happened."

"Alright." He didn't sound sure, but he shrugged it off. The boys were waiting for the okay, and after Cody quickly scoped the place out, he gave a small nod.

We burst through the door, guns flashing. "EVERYBODY FREEZE!" Cody screamed.

"NOBODY MOVE!" I added.

"Put the money in the bag." Maxx tossed the clerk a burlap sack.

"Or we will shoot." Dan, the best sharpshooter in the gang, whispered taking perfect aim.

"Empty out the vault." Cody added. "And me and my doll we'll be on our way." He kissed my forehead and I couldn't hold back a blush.

The clerk nodded fearfully. He called for some people in the back to start gathering valuables. We held a gun at each of the workers as they worked. I, unfortunately, was stuck keeping tabs on a small boy that must have been the clerk's son. He wasn't wailing but his tears were falling. I could feel the gun in my hand get heavier and I was about to drop it. I've always wanted a son and I was a nod away from killing one.

The next few moments went in slow motion. I had lost my grip on my gun and it fell to the floor, firing. It thankfully hit a display case, but it created enough confusion for the clerk to whip out his own gun and shoot. The bullet whizzed past Dan and struck Cody in the shoulder. He screeched just as I yelped in surprise. Despite my better judgement, I raced towards him, just as the clerk shot again. I hit the deck and the bullet went through my hair, not touching me. I curled into a ball and prayed for a miracle.

Well it wasn't a miracle. Police officers burst through the door and barricaded the door. Hoisting me to my feet, they cuffed me and all but threw me into a cop car. I was still in shock from the whole shooting that I didn't notice them forcing Cody in with me and driving off.

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