Dealing With Hate

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A/n Quick question before you read!!! I am genuinely curious if you read all of the scenarios or if you pick and choose? You're not in trouble, I'm just curious.

Oh, and everything is "canon" again.

Cody Carson:

Something was off. I didn't know what it was but I could tell something was wrong with Y/n. I opened my eyes slowly to realize it was still really late at night. I groaned. She was probably stressing about the wedding again. After our wedding planner practically vanished, not that they were any good, Y/n put all the stress of planning on her shoulders. She was going to kill herself with all this work she was doing.

I rolled over to see her sitting on her side of the bed, her phone shining around her head. "Princess?" I asked groggily.

She whipped her head around and smiled at me. "Hey Hero, go back to bed."

"What are you doing up?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Nothing." She assured me softly. "Go back to sleep. You have a meeting at dawn."

"I know." I sighed. The new album was going to kill me with all the lengthy writing sessions. It was fun nonetheless, just not with a wedding around the corner.

"So sleep." She giggled and kissed my forehead.

That was when I caught a look at the screen of her phone. "Why are you on Instagram?" I asked.

Her smile faltered a little. "I'm not."

Using her lack of focus as leverage, I grabbed her phone so fast she didn't have time to register it until I read through at least three comments:

You're only marrying him for his money! You're such a gold digger!

Go back to the hole you crawled out of and leave our Cody alone.

You don't deserve him. He's a saint and you're nothing but a thief! You should chase after a different person's money and not Cody's!

"Oh, Diamond." I murmured and she slid the phone out of my hand. "I'm so sorry. It's not true, I know it's not."

She cut me off, pressing her finger against my mouth. "Shh. I know they're just being mean. That is why I have taken the liberty of telling them off in the most passive-aggressive way possible." (A/n ME!)

I smiled feeling sleepy again. I kissed her hand. "That's my girl," I whispered before rolling over to the other side.

"I love you." She murmured, turning off her phone and lying down. I rolled over again to wrap her in my arms.

"I love you too," I mumbled before letting sleep to overcome me.

Maxx Danziger:

"Ok, so my dad said it can't be spring or summer?" I asked my face in my hands.

"Yep. I like the idea of winter if it's okay with you." Maxx responded slowly.

I nodded, my head pounding. I wish I was more optimistic. I mean, I'm getting married for goodness sakes! But I was far from it. I felt pressured and depressed from all this.

"Hey, are you okay?" Maxx asked, gently taking my hand.

I nodded, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Just fine."

"Something is wrong and you know it. Don't lie to me, please. I want to help." He explained gingerly.

I bit my lip before finally spilling. "Do you think I'm an airhead?" I blurted out as the tears I was holding back spilled from my eyes.

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