Halloween Drabbles

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A/n These could be canon. Most likely they are.

Cody Carson:

"It should be just around this corner," I assured Cody.

He scoffed. "I'd rather go to an escape room instead."

I rolled my eyes. "We did that last week Clarinet. C'mon! You promised!" I whined trying to get him to humor me.

"Fine, whatever." He continued to stare out the window and sighed.

When we reached the estate, I parked the car and got out before Cody. I examined the exterior as Cody followed, grumbling about how an escape room was so much cooler. I shook my head and went up to the door. I put my hand on the doorknob when Cody stopped me.

"Maybe we shouldn't." He whispered.

I laughed. "Don't tell me you're getting cold feet on me! We're in this together; together forever!" I fist-bumped him before opening the door and I walked in.

I took a deep breath of old wood musk and sighed in relief. "Ok, all we gotta do is survive an hour."

"Survive?" He questioned.

I laughed. "Don't take what I say so seriously. C'mon, I'm going upstairs. You can either join me, or you can investigate down here."

"No, no." He said quickly. "I'll come with you Diamond Girl."

"Well hurry up then." I squealed as I raced up the stairs. Cody was less enthusiastic, to say the least.

Turning on my flashlight, I counted at least six rooms. I gave Cody an encouraging smile as I took the first door on the right. I motioned for him to go with the door on the left and he looked at me like "NO WAY IN H*CK ARE YOU GETTING ME TO GO THROUGH THAT DOOR ALONE!"

With a groan, I followed him into the door on the left. It appeared to have been a guest bedroom with a small bed, chest of drawers, and box window with tattered curtains. Glancing around with nothing left to see, I shrugged and went to the door I was going to open before Cody became a scared puppy.

This room was a bathroom and smelled awful. I quickly walked out as fast as I came in, with Cody on my heels. The next four rooms held no promise, but at the end of the hall, I noticed a trap door on the ceiling. Smiling, I whispered, "Bingo." and pulled on the latch.

As I did, a cloud of smoke and cobwebs fell on top of me. I squeaked in surprise and fell backward, Cody was barely able to catch me in time. I looked up at him and gave a weak smile. He rolled his eyes and helped me to my feet. Hearing a noise, I craned my neck to see what it was.

Suddenly something came fluttering out of the attic and we both screamed. I dropped to the ground and wrapped my arms over my head. Cody, on the other hand, all but jumped from the top of the stairs, through the foyer and into the car, screaming like a little girl.

I peeked out and noticed a small bird fluttering in the rafters. Opening up a window, I let the little guy out into the cool night air. I laughed a little to myself as I continued to search the house. Nope, not haunted, All the rumors were fake. They must have just heard the bird and the one or two rats in the basement.

I went to the car and laughed at Cody who was shivering in the passenger seat. "You're too easy to scare Hero." I chuckled, pulling out of the driveway.

"Shut up." He mumbled.

Maxx Danziger:

"Here you go! Happy Halloween!" I smiled as I watched a Belle, Joker, Pirate, Zombie, and Wonder Woman leave with their parents. I chuckled to myself as I saw one of the dads was Linguini from Ratatouille and had a baby dressed up as Remy (A/n I saw that when I looked up cute Halloween costumes and I almost died from kawaiiness overload!).

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