You Break Up!

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A/N All good things must come to an end. Or do they? Look, I know I said I was trying to keep these happy and fluffy, but c'mon, you didn't expect to skip this one did you? Anyways, it won't be too bad, I promise. Just let me have my evil moment! Please?

Also I cleaned up some swears...

Cody Carson:

I skipped happily over to my computer and opened it up. I called Cody and squealed in delight. I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend! I had just finished doing all of my homework and studying for Finals, and so I decided to reward myself by calling up Cody "Clarinet" Charles Carson.

When his face popped up, I noticed he looked nervous and his hair was mussed a bit. "Y/N! I didn't expect you to call tonight, what with Finals and everything coming up so soon. Shouldn't you be studying?"

I gave a small, rather nervous chuckle. I could easily tell he was trying to act sober and I could also detect a bit of lying. So far, this conversation was not going too well. Might as well toy with him a bit so I could get some more information out of him. "Yeah, but I got all that done, so I thought I'd call. Is everything ok? You don't look very good. Are you feeling sick?"

"Nah, I'm fine. I promise." He shifted in his seat and that's when I saw it. Or rather them; that's when I saw them. I counted three hickies on his collar; two on the left and one on the right. I also took note that his shirt was haphazardly thrown on because not only was it on backwards, but inside out as well.

"Where is she?" I tried to stay calm, but I was dying inside. My own, perfect boyfriend was cheating on me with some one-night stand. At least, I prayed it was a one-night stand. I don't think my heart could take it if she was "his".

At least he knew when he was defeated. "What gave it away?" He mumbled and I tried not to scream at him. Wrong choice of words.

"In chronological order it went from your hair, to you trying to cover up the fact you're drunk or rather buzzed, then the hickies and finally your shirt." As I listed off the clues, he fixed his hair and his shirt. I felt tears well in my eyes as I forced myself to say, "Why? Why'd you do it?"

"I was drunk, you know that." He tried to give me a flirtatious smile, but I wasn't having any of that. Not anymore.

"Don't play it off like it never happened! Cody! I gave you everything! Everyone has their breaking point and you officially just helped me find mine. And I know this came from one of your stupid music videos, but I really don't care at this point. We're done, it's over, goodbye." Before I could slam my lid down, I saw a bleach blonde girl get up from under the covers and run out of the room. As the tears finally spilled, I slammed my lid down and threw my computer across the room, watching it shatter against my wall.

Maxx Danziger:

"It's not my fault." I told him calmly, arms folded over my chest.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, because a thousand freshly signed prints just magically poofed out of existence."

"Maybe they do." I tried not to laugh at that. "I mean magic does exist." I remembered he was so adamant about the fact that magic exists on our first date. He was just overreacting. He'll be over it in a few seconds.

"Really? God you can be so stupid sometimes!" He growled. Ok, maybe not.

My eyes widened in fury. "Stupid? You think I'm the stupid one in this argument? You're the one who thinks I threw away all of your pictures which, by the way, are not in any trash cans! So don't call me stupid, Danziger."

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm stupid? I wasn't the one who threw away all my portraits that are supposed to be mailed tomorrow!" He hollered, turning red with anger.

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