You (Finally) Move In!

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A/N Finally! This sure took forever! But I have so much more in store you have no idea! I love writing this and I hope you love reading it!

Cody Carson:

My eyelids started to droop and my head was starting to loll forward. Before I hit the steering wheel Cody nudged my arm. My head shot up and yelled, "NO I DIDN'T STEAL THAT POPSICLE!"

Cody started laughing I glared at him. "What? It's funny!" He replied.

I turned back to the road. "I don't even like popsicles." I muttered under my breath.

And why were we driving around at the crack of dawn? Well, I had moved my stuff from my dorm into a house my friends bought just until we all had jobs. The one who could pay for it by the time everyone had a steady job got to keep the house when we all moved out. Surprisingly though, I was the second one to move out. My friend (Friend's name), had moved into an apartment in Wyoming a day before I moved out.

Cody had come along to help me get all my things and move all the super heavy stuff. We had just made the final trip and we're heading back to the shared house in LA. I was excited to get started and start setting up the place, but right now I just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep until noon.

"Want me to drive?" Cody suggested.

I was tempted. I mean he was hopped up on caffeine and I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in an hour. But I shook my head and said, "We're almost there. I'll manage."

"Ok." He responded but he sounded skeptical.

We continued driving in silence, the radio playing softly. I could feel my eyelids start to droop again, but I forced them open. It was getting harder and harder until I felt the steering wheel move. I started to panic when I noticed that Cody had taken ahold of the wheel and was turning it into a gas station.

When we arrived, he unbuckled and so did I. We switched places and he started to drive back to LA. I tried to stay awake, but it seemed useless to fight it. Cody noticed and. taking my hand, kissed it and whispered, "Sleep princess. You'll be able to move things in better tomorrow."

With a smile, I finally let sleep overcome and didn't feel Cody pick me up bridal style to put me into bed.

Maxx Danziger:

"Are you SURE you want this color?" Maxx asked, eyebrow perked up as he gestured to the lovely sectional couch.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes I'm sure! Isn't it just perfect?" I squealed.

He hesitated. "I don't know. It's kind of a weird color."

"You're a weird color!" I shouted before laughing at how stupid that sounded. It even got Maxx to smile since he's been upset all day.

"If you say so." He said with a shrug.

"We're buying it and that's that!" I stated in a very matter-of-fact way.

"Alright! Alright." He held up his hands in mock surrender.

"Awesome!" I cheered and pulled out my checklist. After marking couch, I scanned the list for another thing to buy. "Now we need to find a new bed."

Instantly Maxx went red. "W-we do?" He stuttered.

I gave him a weird look. "Yeah..." I said slowly.

He started to open and close his mouth like a fish. "W-well, I mean, w-why rush? The o-old one is j-j-just fine."

I shook my head. "No it's not. It's one mishap away from being demolished."

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