Chapter 41

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"Pink doesn't suit me."

Nate gave me an annoyed look. "Then what do you suggest?"

I frowned at him. "I don't even want to go!"

"Then don't!"

"But attendance is compulsory!"

Nate looked liked he was ready to murder me. "Get your priorities straight, Erin. You're really acting like a spoiled pampered brat."

l pouted at Nate. "Fine. Sorry. It's just, I don't know what to wear."

Nate rubbed his temples and shut his eyes for a second. "Just stop stressing too much. If you just tell me your preferences, I'll be able to send your dress by next week."

l tried to concentrate hard. An idea popped into my head.

"Ah, I think I know what I want now," I grinned.


I felt my palms sweat as thoughts of the Ball kept popping into my mind. Time was so fast. The event was already tomorrow night. I tried to distract myself by looking around my room. Ah, I think I'll go and buy ice cream.

Yeah, that's it. Ice cream.

I grabbed three coins and threw a jacket on. Why was I even anxious? Nate had already succesfully sent the dress yesterday. And a good thing too that it fit in the right places.

But waait. How am I even supposed to get ice cream? The canteen doesn't open til classes resume! Maybe I can ask Sana. I mean, I remember passing by some girls last week and they had delicious soft ice cream in their hands.

Or maybe I can ask the school's officials. I then headed over to the school's office. I don't even know what room Sana is soo..


I twisted on my heel and looked behind me. What's he doing out here?

"Hey! Wow, you sure don't hide your emotions at all. I can already tell by your eyes that you're annoyed I'm here," the blue-haired boy grinned mischievously.

I felt myself frown even deeper. “What are you doing out here, Noah?”

“Here to see you, of course,” he wagged his eyebrows. I shivered in disgust.

“Gross, stop it. For real, what are you doing out here?”

He scartched his head and shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I’m actually on my way to buy some green tea.”

Perplexed, I asked, “Green tea?”

Noah raised a brow at me. “Yeah? You know, the tea that is slightly bitter and almost tastes like water?”

I gave him an annoyed look. “I know what green tea is. I’m just curious where you’re going to buy one.”

“Oh I’m going to Gems town.” (Author’s note: lol anyone know Alice Academy? Central town. Hahaha.)

“Gems town..?”

Noah looked at me as if I had two heads. “First term is almost over and you don’t know what Gems town is?”

I felt heat rise in my face. “I’m new, okay? I don’t know everything yet. I haven’t even been here for a year. ”

Noah grinned at me and ruffled my head. “Aw, you mad? Don’t worry! Big brother Noah is here to help!”

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. “What? Big brother? I’m older than you!”

Noah stuck his tongue out at me. “Yeah but I’m taller than you.”

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