Chapter 10: A second chance

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Chapter 10

I finally arrived to the kitchen and smelled marinated salmon being cooked. I entered the kitchen and found only Manny, cooking breakfast. The two other chefs must be in vacation. “Good morning, Manny,” I greeted. Manny spared a quick glance at me and smiled. “Morning,” he replied as he went back to his work.

“I’m here, Lucille,” I called, finding where the blonde maid was. I went over to Manny who was tossing the salmon in the pan. The smell entered my nose and I felt weak in the knees. It smelt delicious. “Smells good, huh Erin?” Manny grinned.


I jumped at the voice behind me. My eyes landed on an impatient Lucille. “A-ah, I’m here, Lucille. Good morning,” I greeted.

“Morning. Next time, please don’t waste too much time,” she scolded with her eyebrows furrowed together. Now, I don’t hate Lucille. She’s almost like a mom, actually. Doing things for my own good. So I don’t hate her at all.

“Yes, Ma’am,” I answered.

“Now, Manny. Erin’s here. Tell her what she needs to do. If any of you need me, I’ll be in the Dining room.”

I watched her make her way to the door and leave the kitchen, leaving Manny and I to ourselves in the kitchen. “So Manny, I heard you got a mission for me,” I started, breaking the silence.

“Yup! Just wait for a sec. I just need to finish this salmon.”


I watch him turn the stove off and went towards the cabinet on his left. He opened it and grabbed four silver plates and 4 sets of spoons and forks. I gawked at him. “Only four? I thought there were 5 of them?”   

“There are 5 five of them. But I’ve been notified that prince Darryl had left for the Ruby Kingdom. His fiancée and what-not.”

“Oh. So he’s engaged, huh?”

“Yup! To one of the princesses from the Ruby Kingdom.”

“I see..”

So Darryl is getting engaged and that just leaves Darren. I remember the queen telling me that he wasn’t interested in any of the princesses of the other Kingdoms. I chuckled at how stubborn he was.

“Okay! Erin! Are you ready for your mission?” he challenged.

“Sir, yes sir!” I answered with a salute.

He chuckled at my weird reply. “All right. So I want you—”


“To get me—” he continued.


“Some eggs.” He finished.

“Eggs! All right! Wait—what?”

“I want you to get me some eggs. It seems that we’re out of eggs. You see, I’m going to make omelets for breakfast,” he explained.

“Oh, all right. How many?”

“Maybe about 30 eggs. ”

“That’s a lot for only 4 omelets!”

He hit my head lightly with a soft punch. “Not only for them, dummy. I’m making omelets for everyone. When I say everyone, I mean the whole household. And maybe to stock up a bit. Like I said, we’re out of eggs.”

“Household..?” I said unsure.

“Household can mean the people who live under the castle. The maids, the butlers, the gardener, in short, the workers too,” he stated as if it was obvious.

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