Chapter 23

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Song for chapter: Strings - Shawn Mendes


     Beau placed the giggling child on his hip and opened the door. The room was awfully spacious, It contained a king sized bed, a dresser, a chair and table where framed photographs, a laptop, books and other stationeries sat. Celebrity posters and some quotes were pasted on wall, sunlight bathed the room through the tall opened windows. There were two doors, I figured it was the closet and bathroom. I couldn't find Best, I looked down and I found clothes discarded on the rug at the foot of the bed. Then I heard a door creak open, I lifted my gaze and found Best dripping wet in nothing but his boxers and a white towel around his neck. He was drying his hair with the end of the towel when his gaze landed on Beau and I by the doorway.

     Suddenly, Best launched himself low, diving to the floor and sliding against the tiled floor, he groaned from the impact. Next to me, Beau burst into laughter and Best groaned again.

"Beau! Lucky!? What the heck!?"

My cheeks burned as I giggled.

Beau's laughter increased, he even put the toddler down and held his stomach in laughter. "Chai!"

"I hate you, Beau." Best grumbled, he was now out of sight, hiding behind the bed, I could see his feet though.

     On wobbly legs, the toddler scurried, joining Best behind the bed.

"No, Brian, stop It!" Best argued. "No, let go!"

     Brian emerged, holding onto the towel his older brother had been using, it swept the floor behind him as he approached us.

As if possible, Beau laughed harder and louder, this time I wasn't giggling, I too was laughing. "Whoop! Way to go, Brian!"

"I should just wait outside..." I offered, chuckling as I exited the room.

"Yeah baybee, you should!" Beau replied still cackling.


"Lucky...?" I turned at the sound of Best's voice."I'm uhm, decent now."

     I turned from my position by their huge family portrait on the wall. Best stood there flushed, dressed in sky blue tracksuit (top and bottom), Beau stood next to him with Brian in his arms.

"Go in."

     I unfolded my arms, fully turned and sauntered towards them, I walked past them, entering the room. I sat on the bed and watched them bicker.

"Here, take the demon." Beau stretched Brian to Best.

So many Bs...

"What? No. Why do I have to take him?"

"Because, he kisses you a lot less than me." Beau replied.

"What?! He kisses you less!"

"Just take him, Beau has had enough of his saliva for one day." Beau forced Brian on Best.

With that he disappeared.

     Best turned and met my eyes, he balanced the toddler on his hip and walked in. Best gently placed Brian on the bed next to me and then sat down.

"I'm sorry." We uttered simultaneously.

Best narrowed his eyes at me and frowned. "Why are you sorry?"

I don't know...

     I didn't respond, I just stared into his blue eyes. His bruises were still very evident, his dirty blonde hair was slightly wet and appeared to be brown.

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