Chapter 37

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For you Becky (Best & Lucky) shippers. Best Orland is so pretty, isn't he? ❤❤


"Hey, Lu... Don't look now but Bola is staring and pointing at you." Naomi said, eyes gazing above my head.

I hissed. "Do I want to look at him before."

"Ignore him, If he wants to try something. I've got your back, trust me." TJ chipped in, gulping water from his fancy water bottle. "Where the hell is Best anyway?"

     At the mention of his name, my belly undulated and my heart skipped a beat. I glanced at Naomi, making a mental note to fill her in later.

"I don't know." Naomi said nonchalantly, shrugging as she drove her spoon into her mouth.

Suddenly, TJ perked up and threw his plastic spoon on the plate like he'd been electrocuted. "I almost forgot to tell you guys. Y'all know classes started late today, right?"

"Yeah, staff meeting." Naomi replied, wiping her mouth with the serviette. "They wasted two periods."

"They were deliberating." TJ announced.

"On what?" I asked.

"Ebimo's punishment."

"Ugh, what did that one do now?" Naomi asked, rolling her eyes like she wasn't even surprised.

"hmmm... wait for it." He said, he slammed his palm on the desk, leaning towards us. "rape."

     I choked on my food and went into a coughing fit whilst TJ burst into laughter, obviously finding the situation amusing.

"What!?" Naomi screeched in horror.

"Well, attempted rape." TJ shrugged, chuckling deeply. "that's what they're calling it."

"Who was it?" I asked in between coughs as I reached out to grab my water.

"Isabel. Isabel Douglas." TJ answered, making Naomi and I exchange knowing glances.

"Shut up. You're lying." Naomi uttered throatily in disbelief.

"Nope. He was caught kissing and fondling her." TJ explained.

"Ah! And last week, we caught him forcing himself on her." Naomi said.

"Yeah, we couldn't really tell if he was forcing himself on her because even though she seemed uncomfortable, she didn't seem scared." I explained.

"Yeah, she seemed... ashamed." Naomi elaborated. "Even when I threatened to tell her cousin, Senior Israel if Ebimo didn't leave her be, she flared up."

"Mhmmm, yes, yes." I chipped in, vigorously nodding my head as I stabbed the air for emphasis. "She blatantly told us to mind our business. That left us perplexed, you know. Because we had actually thought we were helping."

TJ took a deep breath and said: "Maybe they were just kissing but the teacher who caught them went to put jara (exaggerate)."

"So, who caught them?" A familiar raspy voice filled my ears, and I spun my neck to lay my eyes on Best, his eyes briefly held mine before he shifted his gaze.

He had one hand in his pocket, the other holding a small thermos. He still had his sweater tied around his waist, dropping above his knees.

"Mr Dickson." TJ answered.

"I hate that guy, I swear." Best grunted out, my heart sank when he didn't sit on my side of the bench. Instead, he sauntered over to TJ and plumped down next to him, straddling the bench.

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