Chapter 96

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Hey guys, I know I'm not always consistent and as a reader myself I know how frustrating it gets waiting for an update but. Please do not come into my dm rudely. How can I be opening my dm seeing I don't like waiting, don't keep me waiting. I'll delete if you don't update. What are you doing that you can't update. What the bloody hell!? The worst part is this rudeness is coming from people who neither votes nor comments. I've already explained why I'm not always consistent. As it stands I have no phone and I write with my PC (that's dilapidated by the way) I can't publish with so I login via my sister's phone. And her phone isn't always available. I won't be getting a new phone anytime soon. Besides sometimes I need time to compose a whole chapter, it's not like I just close my eyes and everything will be written. Lemme just sound it here: don't come to my dm If you're going to be rude, learn how to use your words. I won't tolerate rudeness in my dm.


     The following day, during our usual assembly, prefects were made to join us, no officiating whatsoever. Pretty much everyone saw it coming but we waited for it. A teacher conducted the assembly and immediately after we recited the anthem, Madam Ejiofor who had been standing behind the teacher on duty the entire time stepped foward. It was suddenly quiet as a graveyard. And so she began to inform the school body and her staff but for myself, Abel, Best, TJ, Bassey, Tobore and the opposing team, we'd already received the verdict yesterday.

"Good morning, students." She began, as usual her voice was unwavering and powerful. "I am here today to speak on the debacle that most - if not all - of you witnessed. A brawl broke out in this premises, preventing everyone from carrying out the usual curricular activities. The whole of first period was wasted." She paused briefly. "You all already know the culprits but I would like to call them to join me as I further address the issue and announce the penalties."

This is it.

"If you hear your name, quietly find your way up here or a teacher will bring you up here if you waste our times." She cleared her throat as she put on her glasses, reading from a paper. "Social prefect, Best Seipaleyegha Orland from SS3B." He could be seen from anywhere. His blond low shaven head moving past the files of students to the front. "Nero Mbong Edem from SS3B. Kelechi Uzodinma Okorie from SS3B. Ebimobowei Fredrick Godson from SS3A. Sports prefect, Oghenetejiri Idonoro from SS3C. Bassey Danielson from SS3C. Efetobore Edewor from SS3C and..." She paused for several seconds before mentioning his name. "Abel Ugochukwu Ejiofor from SS3B."

They all made their way up, aligning themselves horizontally. Ebimobowei Godson had an arm behind his back and his head low, avoiding the seas of eyes on him. Kelechi Okorie and Nero Edem had the same expression with their heads low. TJ Idonoro stood erect, same with Bassey Danielson next to him. Tobore Edewor stood with his hands by his side, leaning more on his right leg. Best Orland stood with his chin up and one hand holding onto his left armbehind his back. And Abel Ejiofor stood erect, right hand holding onto left with in front of him.

And no, Madam Ejiofor didn't forget to mention a name. Bolanle Olaitan, since yesterday had been in the hospital.

~ Flashback ~

"Hey!" A voice said and I turned to find Victor joining me on the seat outside the office. "Heard anything yet...?"

"No..." I replied, exhaling sharply.

The boys, I mean my boys and Ebimo and his boys - with the exception of Bola - had been inside Madam Ejiofor's office for thirty minutes now. I don't know why she got the impression but Maria Grace thought I was somehow involved in the fight because she had asked me to come along when the boys were been led away by teachers. As I sat outside her office, I tried to eavesdrop but not a voice was coherent to me. I couldn't take it, the anxiety was killing me.

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