Chapter 30

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Song For Chapter: Bind Your Love By Cher Lloyd


"Grandpa's not making it?" He sounded so smug.

The night I had called my grandfather, he had asked why I was calling so late and If I was okay. Of course I had told him I was fine, I told him I was up late because I had been studying for a test, I mentioned how Bukky and I missed him and he promised he would be home, spending the weekend with us. I was lucky to have a grandfather who was always a call away, I was thankful, I would have my father off my back for a while.

"He will -"

Honk! Honk!

Father's eyes widened as he held my gaze, he got up and sprinted to the window, he then eyed me as if checking if I had any visible bruises on my body, I wished I did, but the one on my abdomen was obviously concealed by my pyjama top, the one on my cheek had already faded away.

The door bell became audible, I was about to move but my father called me.

"Lola..." He paused, physically struggling with himself, debating what to say.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Bukky came running down the stairs, she didn't stop, she ran past us till she got to the door.

"Bukola!" That was grandma, their laughter and giggles filled the atmosphere.

"Ah! Ah! Omo mi! This child, what are you eating? Lead?" Grandpa exclaimed.

Ignoring my father, I sprinted out and saw my grandparents. Grandpa was dressed in baggy jean trousers, a short sleeved dress shirt and a flat cap, grandma was radiant in a chiffon kaftan. I ran into my grandfather's arms, with Bukky getting a piggy-back ride and me pulling his neck down, trying to climb him, he was teetering.

"Chai, this children!" Grandma exclaimed, as she peered at us through her glasses, I released my grandfather and embraced her, she laughed wholeheartedly as she caressed my back. "Bukola, oya, come down!"

"No!" Bukky squealed as my grandfather threw her up on his back.

"Sunshine, leave her joor." Grandma smiled coyly at her nickname and I cackled.

"By the time she breaks your hip, you will understand." Grandma sassed and tugged me inside.

Grandma stood still, coming face-to-face with her son, my father. I subconsciously took a step back, watching them. Shortly, grandpa strolled in and his laughter faded away the minute he set eyes on my father. Bukky took this moment to slide down grandpa's back, she joined me next to grandma. The two men held each other's gaze, my father was inches taller so grandpa had to look up.

Suddenly, my father backpedaled and then he began crouching till he was fully prostrate before his parents.

Give honour to whom it is due. Even kings are inferior to someone.


The lady by my right was asleep, practically leaning her head on my shoulder, I wanted to shrug her head off but because of good manners, I refrained. The lady by my left was another story, she was eating groundnuts from somewhere inside her purse, I figured there was a small polythene inside her purse, before eating, she would break the shell and discard them carelessly. There were groundnut shells all over the tiled floor, on the chair where we sat and even on my laps. I didn't say anything though, I just discreetly brushed them off when they got too much.

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