Chapter 73

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Song for chapter: Babygirl By SMNM

Mature Content Ahead!



"I'm sorry." She said softly, reaching for his shoulders. He had no idea where the boldness was coming from but he prayed it wouldn't die. "Moustapha is a friend of the family, he's practically family. My grandparents took he and his brother in. Bukky and I have known him since childhood. He's like a brother to me."

Abel scoffed, casting his head to the side and she reached for his face, turning him back to her face. "I swear it. Moustapha is nothing but an older brother to me."

"But does he feel the same way?" He droned.


"I know what I saw, okay?" He whined.

"He's always been like that. It's not just with me. Bukky as well. I grew up with this person for crying out loud. It's not foreign that he touches me a certain way I would consider inappropriate with normal boys." She expatiated.

"If you swear there's nothing between you both. Why didn't you tell him I'm your Boyfriend? Especially seeing how irked I was by his presence." He queried.

"There's no particular reason. But it's like I said. He's like a brother, pretty much my grandfather's son. I couldn't have told him that way. I want to tell him at my own time not while you were both having a pissing contest. He didn't like how you acted and if I had told him, he would've immediately concluded you weren't good for me. Moustapha needs to know that that was just you -"

"-protecting my girl." He completed with a frown and caught her smile.

"... that that was just you in a bad mood."

"Look, you don't need that metrosexual pretty boy to approve of your relationship. The only approval that's important is mine and yours."

"I know, I know. But I can't have people who're close to me thinking I'm dating a possessive grouch. Plus, I feared you would start throwing punches."

"One more comment like: 'this girl is my life.' And I probably would've..." He mumbled in annoyance.

"You see, I sensed it. And Moustapha did too. He's a good judge of character. He now knows you're a hot-headed person, and possibly violent." She corresponded. "I know I have major fault in this and I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you the way I did, I just got carried away. But you need to learn to comport yourself a little more and know that I wouldn't do anything that would intentionally hurt you."

"It did hurt though..." His voice was shaky again and he hated it. He avoided her gaze.

This is what you do to me...

"I-I thought we were past the denial. And that we were two people with mutual feelings, that we knew what we wanted. But it felt like you-you..." He fell silent when she leaned in. She pushed up against him and his breath ceased when he felt her breasts against his chest.

Damn it!

She ran her fingers up his shoulders to his neck and he tried to remind himself how to breathe.

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