Chapter 79

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Song for chapter: Acquainted By The Weeknd.

Sorry I couldn't find any clear audio or video of it on YouTube. But this is the perfect song for Label at the moment.


Something's bothering her...

She's upset.

Abel could tell just by looking at her profile. She sat so rigid, toying with her bracelet. She was staring ahead at the movie but it was like she was in a trance. She wasn't herself anymore, her countenance had changed. Something must've happened when he'd left her. She'd been like this since he'd returned with the snacks and drinks - quiet and moody.

He really hoped no one had tried to make a move on her whilst he was gone. The mere thought of some idiot trying to talk to her made his blood boil and he subconsciously clenched his fist on the armrest.

"Hey..." He touched her bare arm with the arm that was around her shoulder. "You okay...?"

"Yeah..." She responded nonchalantly without even sparing him a glance.

This is not happening...

She'd been so excited about this movie.

Now she's the one with the long face.


Abel slightly shifted in his seat and moved closer, still staring at her profile. He wondered what she was thinking at the moment. He hoped she wasn't somehow the cause of her new countenance, that he hadn't unknowingly disrespected or annoyed her. Maybe it was just her channeling aggression on him.

"Do you wanna... step outside?" He whispered.


"If-If... " He started again with a stutter. "If you're not... feeling well, we can go-"

"I need to use the restroom." She announced, before standing up. She didn't even wait for his response, she simply turned and walked away.

Did I do something?

Abel palmed his forehead, letting his hand slide down his face to his chin. Several minutes passed as he remained like that. Through his peripheral vision, he then felt someone occupy Lucky's seat and turned to tell the person off but was forced to bite his tongue.


"Hey babe, did you miss me?" She smiled, tossing her weaves over her shoulders to further expose her cleavage.

"Why are you here?" He spat out.

"It's a cinema, people come here to -"

"I mean here, right now." He said through his teeth. "In front of me."

"Why so hostile? Don't you remember who's in front of you?" She purred.

"How could I not remember... " He said with a sneer. "What do you want?"

"I simply came to say hello." She shrugged one shoulder.

"Well hello, goodbye then." He retorted. "Please leave, that seat is taken."

She laughed and reached up to cover her mouth. "Your girlfriend is very beautiful, I can see why you'd want to keep her at arm's length all the time."

"Your point?" Abel droned, raising a brow.

"You want to fuck her but the little lady is not up for it just yet. Isn't It just frustrating?" She asked.

Though shell-shocked, Abel narrowed his eyes at her.

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