chapter 4

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                                                        Seth pov

we broke a few speed limits all the way home but luckly we did not get stop by the cops.Once we got through the door of the pack house we looked around for my father. The pack house has 40 rooms in it we have to keep adding rooms becuase the whole pack lives in the house together we are one of the biggest packs in colorado. When another wolf moves here then my dad makes the house bigger and puts more rooms in not to mention the pups that are born here need a room as well there usealy always people comming here. Extending the house really its not a problem for my family we are really rich.

"Dad whats going on"? "A couple of are younger wolfs went out on border patrole today and smelt some other wolfs but we never came across there cent before so there could be a new pack that just moved here"."Im calling a pack meeting tonight to worn the others and let them know what were going to do about this we don't know if they mean any harm or not they could just be new to the area and stubled apon are teritory there no need for blood shed if we can provent it"."I agree"
 I said."Do you think I should take a few wolfs out maybe look around see if the cent is any newer or if any other wolf is on are territory"? "I think that would be a good idea your going to make a great alpha one day"."Thanks dad ok well I will get going"."Hey son can you take Pj with you I know hes younger and changed not to long ago but he has not been out alot and maybe you can show him more parts of are teritory"?"Sure thing dad"."Oh and one more thing if you find someone on are teritory and it comes down to a fight send Pj back to tell us and we will send some help". "Got it" I said then walked out the door.

"Pj you want to take a sweep around the border with me" I asked?"Yea sure" he said."come on I got to get vick and mike".Mike was sitting at the kitchen table with his mate on his lap."Hey man you want to run the border with me I need to see if there is another pack around are border yet or if there is a newer scent"."Ok im in" he said standing up of the chair and putting his mate jently on the floor he kissed her deeply then he came over by me and we walked into the kitchen to find my mom probably making dinner."Hey mom" she looked up "hey Seth dear". "Mom have you seen Vick anywere im going to run the border see if he wants to come or not"?"I think hes outside hanging out with some of the younger wolfs" then she smiled  "becareful ok" then she went back to cooking diner.

I walked over to are sliding glass door that leads to the backyard and found Vick hanging out with some of the younger wolfs around the inground pool. "Yo you want to check the border with us" I asked walking up to him."Sure why not" he said we started walking over to the woods were we can change into are wolfs when one of the younger wolfs yelled over to us. "HEY VICK WERE YOU GOING?I HAVE TO CHECK THE BORDER SEE YOU GUYS LATER"."OK" the kid yelled back I think his name was Brett he will be changing in a year. "Hey is Joss comming" Mike asked?"No hes taking care of his mate she came down with a bug I geuss".All that talk about wolfs not getting sick is not true were pretty much like humans exept we can chage into wolfs when we want to. We are stronger then humans though and we tend to stick together as a pack should and not go away on are own oh yea and we can read are packs thoughts.

Once we were behinde a cover of trees we took are clothes off and changed into are wolfs it's actually not that painful exept when you first change, but if you find your mate before they change they wont be in much pain because you can litrealy take some of there pain away. Once you mark them that bond gos even deeper then taking pain away.Once you find your mate you have to bite them three times in order to be fully mated to them.The first time you bite them you can physically feel what they feel the second time you can feel emotionly what they feel and third time you can tell were they are without even have to track them down by scent you will just know.

I don't know how my bond with my mate is going to be because hes human and that never happend before im the first person to be mated to a human."Hey" vick said taking me out of my thoughts. We have been running for about 10 minutes now. "im glad your thinking about your mate and everything but I found something"."Noway" Pj said "you found your mate thats awsome"."Oh crap Pj you can't tell anyone ok please" I said?"Why are you not happy about it"?"It's not that i'll explane late ok"?He looked at me then noded "alright"."Wait you can read my mind why did you sound supprised when you heard Vick talk about it" I asked as I walked over to were Vick was. "The scent is new" I said to them."Ok" I said "lets report back to the alpha".With that we Started back to the pack house."Oh" Pj said "about that question you asked its because I only pay attention when its really importent if its somthing personal im not going to go diging through your thoughts".I looked at him hes young but he has my respect.

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