College, Promotions, and Bikinis (U)

39 3 2

18 Jun 2017
You'll Never Know - The Maine


Y'all already know the deal, I'm dropping in to let you know that I haven't died and that I'm not writing (per usual).

So many things have happened in the last two months. First things first, I applied to and was accepted to college. I'm attending American Public University and I have my first class in July. I'll be pursing a Bachelors of Arts, studying English with a focus on writing. The school is online and teamed up with my job so I can get credits from working and I can still work full time. I don't have to take a pay cut and I'm pretty much receiving a full ride via financial aid so I'm pretty fucking excited.

Secondly, I got a promotion! I am now a department manager at Walmart and I got a raise of $2.50 which is so great for me because that extra money will allow for me to move out into my own place (more on that later because it's still two months away). Also it changed my hours so I can actually attend school and have a life again.

Lastly, I bought a bikini. Which is a big deal in itself. Here's everything I had to say about that:

 Here's everything I had to say about that:

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"I now own a bikini which is both terrifying and absolutely liberating

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"I now own a bikini which is both terrifying and absolutely liberating. I've gone 19 years on this earth without purposely wearing any type of two-piece swimsuit for a variety of different reasons: the main reason being fear of my body and the shape it's in. For a long time I wondered if I would ever be comfortable and confident enough to be seen in so little. And even being as happy as I am with where I am now, I'm still afraid of what people think.

200 lbs in a $20 swimsuit. Both tops and bottoms in a large. All the things I'm insecure about on display, and somehow I feel amazing.
Today I embraced my biggest fear.

I should also add that taking care of myself (exercising and whatnot) has really been a life changing experience. I don't know where I'd be right now without it."

That's my life currently. Lots of things happening and tons more coming in the near future. I'm excited for school because I know that studying English will motivate me to want to create and ultimately result in me actually writing and updating my stories again. Here's to the hope that that happens very soon.

Q: What's going on in your life?

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