Vote Block (R)

41 4 9

8 Jul 2016
Runaways - The Killers

Guess who JUST found out about the wattpad vote block?! ME.

What the fuck wattpad? Why on earth would you put a restriction on the amount of times a person is allowed to vote in an allotted amount of time. That's just so messed up. EVERYONE ON THIS DAMN SITE IS ALWAYS ENCOURAGING YOU TO VOTE; AMBASSADORS, WRITERS, READERS. WHY IS THERE A RESTRICTION???

If I like a story, I'm gonna vote. Voting is the one thing on here that truly communicates to the writer that they're doing a good job. There is no negative side to voting like there is with comments. You can only make someone happy with a vote. Why would you take that away?

I just don't understand. Like I get that there's vote trading and all that bs that's against wattpad rules BUT IM NOT DOING THAT. I'm just trying to be a supportive reader and you are limiting my ability to do that because I'm being TOO SUPPORTIVE?! What kind of shit is that? Seriously?

24 hour fucking vote block. I'm being put on a time out for being a nice person. Thank you, wattpad. I truly deserved that.

I can't even deal with this. I won't be reading anything on tswazzle for the time being. Y'all deserve the votes so I'll wait it out.

Q: Who else has been vote blocked?

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