New Year's Resolutions 2017, Jan BOTM, SOTD 2017 & More

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1 Jan 2017
Portugal - Walk The Moon

This is a busy update, I know. I forgot about all the ideas I introduced into this book last year. Sweet Jesus.

New Year's Resolutions:

So last year I had a list of 15 resolutions that I wanted to complete and I did a little less than a third of them. I went back to that update to go check off all the things I succeeded at and I thought I would show you all what I accomplished before telling you about my goals this year.

✔ move back to Texas
✔ start exercising again
✔ get a job
✔ attend my 2nd concert

Of the things on the list I'm actually very happy that these were the four things I did. The rest of them were not all that realistic after graduating so it only makes sense that I only did these four.

I also did some other things that were not on the list but would've been really great additions:

• I lost 50 pounds
• got a tattoo
• started learning an instrument
• saved $1,500 for college
• stopped biting my nails
• started living for myself (doing only what I feel will be good for me)

It was definitely an interesting year. I made a lot of changes to myself as well as how I interpret the world. Basically, I became happy so I think all of the things I did ended up being better that the things I wanted to do.

Now for this years resolutions:

• lose 50-70 more pounds
• get second tattoo
• apply to and begin college?
• finish job training and receive $1 raise/get a raise
• get driver's license
• read 15(+) books
• be more active on wattpad/write my stories
• treat myself to something enjoyable and expensive ($200+)

January BOTM #1:

I don't even remember the format that I made for this and I'm to lazy to go back and look so... This month I'll be starting a long ass book series: you have probably already read it by now because it's been out for a long time now but anyway.

Book 1 of the Mortal Instruments Series: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

"Clary Fray is seeing things: vampires in Brooklyn and werewolves in Manhattan. Irresistibly drawn to the Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons, Clary encounters the dark side of New York City and the dangers of forbidden love."

SOTD 2017:

Do I really have to explain this again? I don't want to. Continuing on with my traditions, song of the day will continue on as it has been for the last year. In the top right corner under the date there will be a song and its artist. This song will be the song that sums up my day or the first song I listen to in the day. Sometimes it's just the first song that pops into my head and like last year these songs will be compiled into a spotify playlist (link below or you can just go stalk my spotify @tjeme218). I don't really have anything else to say about that besides I might not have 365 at the end of the year because I get too lazy to do it after a while (ergo I do not update this and have no need to put a song in). Although I may just add songs even if I don't update. We'll see what happens.


Happy New Year:

We got there y'all. Sorry this update is so cluttered but I had so much that I needed to post today and I didn't feel like making four different parts, ya feel me?

ANYWAY, I hope you're having a happy new year. We all deserve a good year after the hell year that just passed. Best wishes to you all. I hope you write, I hope you read, I hope you find success, and all that jazz.

I'll be on here more consistently than I was the past year. 86/365 days is so sad. I'm going to try to be better not only for you all but for myself as well. Writing is one of my coping meachanisms as well as a source of entertainment so I think it's important that I try to do it more often.

Thanks for sticking around and reading through all my babbling for the last year. I'm really proud of this book and the response I've gotten. Couldn't do it without you guys.

Q(s) and CTA: What are your new year's resolutions? What are you reading this month? What's your spotify so I can follow you? AND if you made it all the way to the end of this mess, tell me what your favorite part of 2016 was. Mine was seeing 5sos.

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