Crushes (Update)

48 4 5

15 Jan 2016
Running Low - Shawn Mendes

Okay so if you guys remember my crushes rant from a few days ago then you know that I was in the very unsure stage of my feelings. I know I like this boy, who I'll refer to as "J" to protect his privacy, he makes me feel like no one else has in a very long time. I don't know what it is but it's almost like he makes me feel real again.

J and I have started to hang out more. We've been friends for over a year so it's not like we  haven't done so before; I started to like him after a good 4 hours we spent together this one day durning early 2015. He's actually coming over to my place tomorrow morning to spend the day with me and my best friend, who totally ships me and J together. We're just going to hang out and watch some movies, play some video games, etc. Hopefully it'll be a good time.

I really like J and I can see myself falling for him someday but I'm just taking the days one at a time. Tomorrow's a big day. If I get through it without completely embarrassing myself than I will consider it a job well done. Wish me luck.

OR: On a completely different topic, I have yet to read my first physical book of the year so I need to get on it. Is anyone reading any novels right now?

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