Parentheses (ST)

22 3 1

30 Jan 2016
Colors - Halsey

I think I've labeled almost every part of this book with some type of theme but I don't remember why I started doing it in the first place.

I know I wanted to make these parts easy to recognize. Although, most of what I've labeled is labeled "stray thought" isn't' always the most accurate thing. I might just stop labeling stuff because I have no idea how to classify some of the things I put in here.

Oh, now that I think of it, I was labeling things because I knew that throughout the year I probably have things that were titled the same. Similar titles would mean having to classify so it didn't look like I had repeated something from earlier on. -Now I'm just rambling.

Okay well I'm super tired and this update is also another late one technically so I'm just going to post and hopefully everything I just said makes sense.

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