New Years Resolutions 2016

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2016 is almost upon us and with that comes the rush to complete 2015's resolutions and to come up with a new batch for 2016. Last year, I didn't bother to write any specific resolutions down: I went with a general resolution of "be your best self." I feel like I completed that goal this year but I've decided not to let go of it just yet. You'll see what I mean by that later.

• read at least 1 book per month; a minimum of 12 books a year
• get mom's memorial tattoo
✔ move back to Texas
• graduate high school with a 3.5 gpa
• get my drivers license
✔  start exercising again
• get "be your best self" tattoo
• stop procrastinating and just take my SAT already
✔  get a job
• apply to Texas State University
✔  attend my 2nd concert
• get superior with Vocal Ensemble at Golden Empire
• start taking sign language lessons
• volunteer more than 60 hours with the American Cancer Association
• write a new book and finish it before the year is over

Q: What are some things you'd like to accomplish in the new year?

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