Disconnected (U)

22 5 4

29 Jul 2016
Disconnected - 5 Seconds Of Summer

Hi guys,

I literally have to make this super quick because I'm on my data and I don't have much of it.

Our wifi is off and I don't know when it'll be back on so I will unfortunately have to take a temporary leave from wattpad. Anyone who knows me by now knows that having to do this kills me. I wish I had unlimited data so I didn't have to worry about this but no--budget cuts are real when you pay for your own stuff.

Anyway, I'll be gone but I will be writing while I'm away. Hopefully I'll lock down a few chapters of everything by the time this whole mess has been sorted out. If I payed our wifi bill then I'd be on here until the cows came home but alas, I do not.

I'll be resorting to actual printed books and my text messages for now. I hope I can survive it all. I'm not even being dramatic, my life is no where close to as unplugged as it used to be. Hopefully this time away will help me though, I'll have time to think and actually do my workouts.

Anyway, I gotta Zayn. I'll miss you guys.

CTA: Someone please keep tabs on 1D and 5sos for me while I'm gone. I literally won't be on any social media.

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