Fat (Rant)

36 3 3

23 Jan 2016
Oblivion - Bastille

Ayee shutout to my first late update.

I hate the word fat.

The idea of a person being fat is just an example of the many social constructs that humans have come with during their time on earth.

I don't understand why people believe in stigmas and agree with social constructs so easily. Do people always have to be followers? Is it impossible for us to think on our own without the influence of the things around us?

There are things about everyone that they cannot change, not easily, and no one should be ridiculed for the way they are. Not even horrible people should be ridiculed for being horrible people because sometimes they just can't help it.

The way we are constructed, how each of our brains develop and decide to do things is different. The idea of a good person a bad person are also stupid social constructs that we've been plagued with. Some of us are more sensitive and others are more ruthless but that doesn't change the one thing that I'm trying to point out here; there are certain attributes we hold that make us who we are but they should not define us.

Nothing in this world (unless it is natural, from the earth) is 100% viable or authentic. Everything else we know of has been made up by people. The term fat was made up by people and its probably one of the most offensive words I know.

Just do me a favor: don't call people fat.

Q: Do you have a word or phrase you hate?

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