An Acting Musician (R)

22 3 6

4 Feb 2016
Those Magic Changes - Jordan Fisher
14 days.

FF: I've watched Grease: Live three times in the last three days.

We're doing the Little Mermaid Jr. this year for our spring musical and I'm not pleased with what's going on between the sheet music and the instrumental on the CD.

I'm playing Ursula so I have to sing like four separate times throughout the show, meaning that I had a rehearsal today with Ariel so we could work on our songs together. Take into consideration that both myself and my friend whom is playing Ariel could barely sing today so the rehearsal was anything but smooth.

Now, get this, the music in the script doesn't have everything actual sheet music would have because it's in the actor's script and not the accompanists book. I'm looking at words essentially and it's getting me no where. I need real sheet music to know what the hell is going on.

I'm not an actor, I'm a musician and I'd like to music aspect of the musical to be covered correctly so I can learn how to do everything else.

Music is my forte but currently, this production is making me feel that music is more like my pianissimo.

Q: Who's your favorite character from the Little Mermaid?

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