Sickly Parties (ST)

12 2 0

29 Jan 2016
Heartless - Kanye West (Taylor John Williams Cover)

FF: This is late update #2 and I fell asleep while typing it up last night.

So my sick self just got back from 4 hours of partying at my cousins masquerade ball thingy. It was her birthday today and before I was sick I planned on going to her party. However, we all know I have profusely gotten worse as time has gone on. Last night I gave my cousin the heads up that I probably wouldn't be coming because of everything that's been going on. She seemed okay with the sudden change of plans and we just moved on from if.

My aunt planned on taking my sister and I to my cousin's party. Seeing as O forgot to mention that I was no longer going to be in attendance, my aunt comes into my room at like 5:30 ish telling me to get ready for the party. Immediately I respond telling her that I don't feel well and I really don't want to go. My aunt then starts questioning me so I tell her that I've been sick all day; nauseous, I vomited twice, and I really didn't have the energy to try to please everyone.

My aunt wasn't having it and guilted me into going by saying, "your cousin only turns 16 once. You can't just bail on her." I try to refuse one last time and she gets really upset with me and mentions that I'm disappointing her. I'm livid at that moment because I obviously hadn't been well all week and she had the nerve to be disappointed that I wanted to rest. I'm like five seconds from snapping and that's when the full on self-doubt kicks in making it very easy for me to change my mind.

So like a minute or two passes and I roll out of bed and get ready. Once everyone's ready to go to leave, we go and end up getting lost because my aunt is stubborn and doesn't like to listen to the GPS. Anyway, we get to the party and it's blasting loud music. There are people dancing, there so many bodies that I can't do it. You can tell that I was kind of dreading walking into that room but I quickly changed my attitude so I didn't get question by my family.

The party's really loud in in contrast to what I've been dealing with all week. I've been in a room of silence for the last week so my ears are not used to dealing with so much noise. We're in there for a while and I start to adjust but I can feel myself getting hot and starting to sweat. Then my knees start to hurt, my ankles start to lock up, and I'm just in pain. The whole time I'm thinking about how much I want to go home and how I don't feel good.

4 hours later we finally leave to go home and my aunt stops at a fast-food place where I stupidly learned that lemonade is the worst drink to consume when you're sick; as soon as I took a sip of my throat started to hurt really bad.

My throat is getting better but everything else has been getting worse. Now I'm laying in bed typing this up for you guys to inform you that I have not died but I still feel like I am dying.

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