Lbs (U)

46 3 7

6 Sept 2016
Alleyways - The Neighbourhood

FF: I think jellyfish are rad.

I've lost 36 pounds since graduating from highschool. Turns out stress was the main reason I wasn't losing weight anymore: I gained 20 pounds senior year. I don't intend to freak any of my younger readers out but do as much PE as you can unless you want to swell up like a balloon.

I'm like so close to getting a job. I don't want to jinx it but I feel really good about this one. Working is the next step in adulting and I'm so ready to be doing something (making money). I'm actually really excited.

I finally caved and ordered pizza and some sides today. I kind of regret it because I haven't been eating greasy or fatty foods since the beginning of July. As great as cheat days are, I should have just went to the store and got some healthier options.

Oh and my window is fixed now. And I have clean clothes. I also cleaned my bathroom. Today was rather productive. I should have known it would be a good day when I woke up at 4 AM. 😂

That's it for now. Sorry this has basically become my diary. I'll write a list of something soon to spice things up.

Q: If you could only be an aquatic animal/organism for the rest of your life, what would you be?

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