Kenya Oshitari x Reader - Boredom

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A/N- OMG, Its been soooooo long. Sorry bout that. With school and other stuff, I barely had time. I also wrote the other chapter, so I'm okay for now. Anyways enjoy!


"Just what do you think your doing?"

Kenya was caught reading (Y/N)'s diary.

"Ah, nothing! Just looking around"

He put the diary behind his back.

"Kenya-San! Give me my diary!"

She demanded.

"No, I'm not finished yet!". He ran out of the room

"Kenya! Come back here!"

"Naniwa Speed Star is too ah!!"

His head hit the kitchen door that just flung open. He fell to the ground.

"Oi, be careful"

(Y/N)'s brother walked by.


"Kenya, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine"

"By the way, why were you even reading my diary?"

"I was bored"


"Yeah, I'm sorry. Here"

He hands her back the diary.

"Thanks" She gives him a kiss.

"Now, let's go for a walk" He says


"What? Why?"

"Cause you always end up getting bored"

"No I don't"

"Yes. We walk and then you start running and then tire out and get bored"

"Ugh, fine"

She smiled. "Good, now let's go watch a chick-flick! "

She drags him to her room.

"Nooooooo, I hate chick-flicks! "

This is what boredom can lead too.


NEXT IS Momoshiro Takeshi

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