Chapter 29: Shadow of a Girl

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Chapter 29 Shadow of a Girl

Hestia smiled brightly as she looked into the mirror. Her wedding dress was pure white, with a fiery veil over her face. Blocking the view of her smile. Bursting with joy she let out a loud giggle. Athena looked away from her book, and smiled at the goddess of the hearth.

She herself was feeling happy. After so long. Artemis admired her silver, and white dress. Looking into the mirror before looking at the others.

"Do you think Damon will like it?" She asked nervously. Smoothing out her none wrinkled dress. Athena smirked widely. Spinning around. Making her dress burst into a flowery twirl.

"Of course, sister dear. Why wouldn't he?" Artemis blushed and covered her face with her hands. The room felt hot for her. She was so nervous, that she had begun to question everything. Athena laughed softly walking to her sister's side.

"Oh, don't worry Artemis. I'm positive he'll like it." Athena laughed with a wide smirk.

"I'm sure he won't be able to keep his eyes off of you the whole night!" She exclaimed loudly. Making the moon goddess blush even harder. Hestia let out a sigh at her nieces antics and fanned herself with some random papers laying around.

"I'm so nervous." Hestia muttered. Athena smiled widely and rushed over to Hestia.

"Oh, that's a first." She said with a knowing smile.

"It's not everyday you get married." Athena commented with a low chuckle. Artemis puffed out loudly in annoyance.

"You don't seem nervous at all!" Artemis began to ramble on about Athena's soon to be marriage with Percy. Athena laughed softly. A small blush on her cheek. Which went unnoticed by her half-sister.

"Oh, I am nervous, but unlike both of you. I am not worried. I know Percy will be more than delighted to be with me." Athena smiled softly, as she sat down on one of the couches within the main tent.

"I've missed him a lot. And I can't wait to see him again." Artemis and Hestia looked at the goddess of wisdom with a smile.

"I'm not going to worry. He loves me no matter what I wear!" Athena stood up from the couch. With a big smile on her lips.

A soft knock made all the goddesses look towards the tents entrance.

"Who is it?" Hestia called out.

"It's Sylvania." The person called out. Athena rushed over to the door and threw it open. To reveal the dryad standing outside, wearing a beautiful ivory green dress. Making her match its color nicely. Artemis smiled at the dryad and patted the couch. Plopping herself down onto it. Hestia sat down on the couch facing towards Artemis. Athena smiled and rushed back to the couch. Sitting herself down bedside Hestia.

"Oh. The dresses are beautiful." Sylvania gasped out. Touching Artemis' dress. The cool sensation under her touch. Let her know it was silk.

"Oh, a fine dress. Just like the rest." Sylvania smiled at the three brides with a big wide smile.

"You must be so happy." Artemis and Hestia blushed deeply. Making Athena laugh softly.

"Happy is an understatement to what I feel." Sylvania's smile widened, making the goddesses blush.

A loud thud outside the tent caught their attention.

"Stop right there Jackson!" Darkness screamed out loudly. Athena stood up with a frown on her lips. Artemis and Hestia followed. Sylvania stood up and rushed towards the entrance.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now