Chapter 12: Shadow of a Girl

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A/N Heads up, this is my first time writing a pirate'talk'.  Lol. So yeah, I can't say I didn't try.

Shadow of a girl chapter 12

Entry 4:

Percy swung both swords attacking the dummies. Effortlessly beheading them. He sighed and tossed the swords to the ground. It has been a year making today his last day here, and he has improved a whole lot since he arrived. He was proud of his newfound strength and problem-solving. He could now keep his emotions at bay. But surely this was not enough for his father, Chaos.

Behind Percy was Amelia. She frowned as she looked at him. She had seen him grown colder. Nearly emotionless towards her, and it was ever since that day at the volcano.

"Percy," She called out. Percy turned around to see Amelia swimming towards him. He sighed and swam closer to her.

"Yeah?" He asked. Amelia opened her mouth to speak. But the words didn't come out. She cringed as the recalled her recent memory clenching her fist tightly.

"I have some news," She began, as she curled her long fingers around her wrist. Percy looked at her, ready to listen to anything she had to say.

"I'm getting married," She blurted out. Percy's heart sank. He had grown close to her. To close for comfort. He bit his bottom lip as he glanced away, unable to look at her.

"To whom?" He asked softly. Amelia shut her eyes tightly feeling horrible. She had sprung this news on him without warning.

"To the prince of the frozen sea," She mumbled. Unlike earth. This planet was 90 percent water. The rest was land. Meaning there were far more seas. Sadly, the once she mentioned was exactly that. Frozen. Percy frowned.

"No," Percy whispered while he carefully caressed her cheek with his thumb, as he looked at her with a pained expression. His heart was throbbing with this news.

"I'm sorry," She cried wrapping her arms around his neck. Surprised, Percy slowly wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I came to care about you," Amelia admitted. Percy stayed silent. Everything was crashing down on him at once, and he didn't want t, but the memories of Annabeth and Mark flooded his mind.

And only 'what if' came to his mind.

'What if I fall again, and I get hurt once more?' He wondered. Two small hands cupped his cheeks. Percy looked down at Amelia. She had red puffy eyes. Indicating she was crying. Being in the water, it was hard to distinguish someone who had been crying.

"Please say something, anything," She begged to give his pained expression, it seemed painted onto her face. Percy bit his lip before looking down into her red gaze. He opened his mouth to say something. Anything, but nothing came out. He just stood there looking like a pufferfish, blowing his cheeks outwards. Percy's eyes traveled down to her lips. He let out a small sigh and pulled Amelia into a gentle kiss. It didn't last long before he broke it apart. Regret filling him while in a whole instant.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now