Chapter 26: Shadow of a Girl

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I'm going to die for this chapter!

Chapter 26 Shadow of a girl

Nova's POV

My Athena was now temporarily combined with my best friend. Weird no? I find it weird. I stare as Destruction. Which is what both Abyss, and I agreed to call them. They rush towards the copies. She may be powerful, but she will grow tired. We had to help her.

Guardians have this weird power, where they can become one with the person they guard over. Yeah. It increases both of their power over 100% over the amount they usually have. Hella powerful. And right now. They both were powerful. And mixed wisdom with darkness. Wow.

I stare at Destruction. Fighting like Darkness, but mixed in with Athena's form of fighting. Like no one could sneak up behind them. It was crazy.

I slash my sword towards the copy of Apollo. Destroying it's left arm. It stares at its arm in confusion, before looking back at me. Using its other arm. It shoots more arrows at me. I did a backflip avoiding the arrows. Landing on my feet. I look up to see robotic Apollo was gone. Instead it was replaced by robotic Alex. Just great. The last thing I needed. Someone nearly as skilled as me.

I rose my sword, ready to clash it against his. But to my surprise the machine shifted into Alex's snake form. I stare up in shock. Everything we are clearly able to do. So, can they. But how?

I paled as I realize that the yearly checkups Chaos made us do. He would have the doctor take a 'sample of blood' from us. Meaning he was using our genes to give these things life. Aw shit. I quickly rush behind the snake-dragon form and cut of the tail. I jump to the side. Before I was smashed into a tortilla.

I let my instincts take over. Pure adrenaline rushed through me. Making me quickly destroy it. I felt my vision go blank as I fought. Not really seeing who my opponent was. That is until I came face to face with Chaos. The real thing.

"You betrayed me son." He said calmly. Walking around me. I concealed. I glanced behind him to see Oblivion ready to pounce onto my father. I shook my head. No.

"Come forwards you two." My father command. Destruction landed on the ground. A loud groan let their lips as both females wield the body to stands. Chaos rose a hand over them. Forcing them apart. A loud scream broke past their lips. I watch in horror unable to do anything to help them.

Chaos finally let them go. Once both were apart. Darkness groaned as she pushes herself off the ground. Shakenly she wobbled. Abyss was lucky enough to rush towards her on time. Darkness gave a weak growl towards Chaos.

"No. Leave them out of th-" Oblivion didn't finish his sentence. Chaos picks up Athena. My Athena. I let out a loud growl that shook the ground. Chaos laughs out wrapping his arms around Athena's waist. Holding her against his chest.

"Aw such a beauty Percy." The name slipped off his tongue for the first time. And it was full of malice. He was touching MY Athena. I snarled out ready to attack. But the gravity around me increases to much it was impossible to move my arm. Much less my body. I was trapped. I watch as Chaos gave me a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"NO." Darkness screams rushing towards Chaos. Only for her to be stuck within gravity too. I grunt out as my body was to heavy to carry. I struggle to pull myself up. Only to be pushed back down.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now