Chapter 24: Shadow

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Chapter 24: Shadow of a Girl

Entry 15:

Darkness looked sadly at Phantom.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled handing him a mirror. Phantom stared at his deformed face with disgust, but looked back at Darkness.

"It wasn't your fault. None of our would have thought Mason would be the traitor." Phantom sat up on the medical bed, and looked at his sister. She frowned and shook her head.

"I'm still sorry." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I have to go. Chaos called me to his office." She turned around leaving Phantom alone in the medical room.

Phantom slid of the medical bed. His bare feet touching the cold floor.

He glanced around to see nothing out of the ordinary. Letting out a deep breath and left the room.

As he walked through the halls many whispered about his newly scared face. Ashamed Phantom walked faster. Until he reached his new room.


Darkness bit her lip as she entered the room. A booming growl filled her ears.

"You failed me child." Chaos said deadly calm. Darkness gulped softly as she bowed her head in shame.

"I know." She whispered. Chains sprung out from the darkness. Trapping her within it.

"Your punishment for this failure." Chaos waved his hand carelessly. Darkness' screams of pain soon brought pleasure to Chaos. Who watched amused from his throne. A pair of eyes watched within the shadows. In disgust for his brother.

'I'll make everything right.' He promised himself. Pained filled him as he witnessed the horrible torment the poor girl went through.

At the end, Darkness was at the brink of death. Chaos had smiled in satisfaction, and left the throne room. The man in the shadows looked at Darkness. Making his move. He silently walked towards the girl and picked her up.

He placed his palm over her forehead. Sending pure healing power over her. At least she won't feel the pain. He glanced at her palm and took out a dagger. Slicing her palm open, before doing the same to his. He joined her palm. Their blood mixing.

"You're now my daughter." He softly whispered. Kissing her forehead gently. He looked at her major wounds in pain. He would have healed her. But that would announce his presence.

And that was the last thing he wanted. The doors were soon thrown open. Making his rush away from Darkness.

"Everything will fall into its rightful place soon." He muttered.


Phantom sat in his room. It's been weeks. Everywhere he goes. Everyone stares at his horrible scar. Reminding him of his horrible pain.

"Percy." Darkness called out softly. He was snapped out of his thoughts and looked towards her with a smile.

"Yeah?" He asked. Darkness walked in softly. She held a white mask on her hands.

"Here. I think this will help." She handed the mask to him. Phantom stared at it in shock. Darkness smiled at him.

"I mean the whole army uses one. It will also help with missions." She said chuckling softly. Phantom put on the mask and slowly made his way towards a mirror. He stared at it for a while. It perfectly hid his scar. It was perfect.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now