Chapter 25: Shadow of a Girl

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Chapter 25: Shadow of a girl

This is the last Entry 

Entry  16

Phantom roared out in anger. Trashing his room. On his bed laid a sickly-looking Darkness. She would shiver, and was covered in a thick layer of sweat.

Most of her wounds had been infected. The healer had told Percy she might not survive.

He cussed out like a sailor and ran his finger through his thick black hair. The one white strand of hair. Crimson red. Like his eyes at the moment.

"Only one person can help her." He muttered. He rose a hand and opened a portal. Stepping through he walked onto a familiar ship. Glancing around. His eyes moving through the ship. The crew all stared at him with their mouths wide open.

Females stared at him like a piece of meat out on the market. A familiar whore; In his view. Walked out with a seductive smile.

"Phantom." She said running her finger on his chest. He caught her hand and roughly pushed her to the side. Not giving her a second glance.

"Move you're in the way Karia." She stared at him with her mouth falling open like a fish.

No man would push her away so easily.

Phantom walked towards the captain's door. He didn't even bother knocking. He simply kicked it open. Inside was Abyss. Looking just as void and empty as him.

Phantom walked towards Abyss' desk. His eye telling everything.

"She's in a terrible condition. You're needed for her healing process to speed up." Phantom said picking up the skull from the desk. He moved his gaze from it for a brief second. Abyss sighed and stood up from his desk. This was his chance to see her.

Phantom placed a hand on his shoulder. And within seconds both appeared back in Phantom's room. Darkness was shaking, and with small whimpers of pain leaving her mouth. It pained Abyss to see her in such a state. It was something he never thought he'd see. Much less from his spitfire of a mate.

"Hurry up Abyss. She needs you, but I respect her wish on letting time heal her deeper wound. You have to go before she is up."


Within a few hours of Abyss giving his blood to Darkness. She began to show signs of getting better. He sat by her side. Finally noticing her stirring. She would be up soon. He stood up, but not before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Making a silent promise to wait for her.

Phantom stood by the door. Leaning against it. He watched as Abyss gave him a last nod before disappearing. A few minutes after Abyss left Darkness woke up. She moved her stiff neck to see Phantom with a usual hood covering his eyes. Shadows blocking everyone from seeing those rare eyes.

She felt much better. Which she found unusual. Slowly she sat up. She was stiff from being in bed rest for so long.

"How long was I out?" Was the first question that left her mouth. Phantom let out a small snort.

"It's been four months." He pushed himself of the wall. Slowly making his way towards her. He placed his cold hand against her forehead.

"You're better now." He stood up and left the room without another word said.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now