Chapter 27: Shadow of a Girl

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Chapter 27: Shadow of a Girl

Thalia's POV:

"What?" I asked shocked. First thing anyone told me after waking up from a comma.

Was that Athena was raped and later, finding out that camp was destroyed. By none other than Percy himself. Well everything seems messed up. I sigh out deeply. As I stood outside of the tent. Beside me stood Nico. Who was silent. Something which was normal for the little emo.

"Hey, Death-Breath." I said sitting down beside him. He gave me a small nod of acknowledgement and went back to sulking. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Nico let out a deep breath and looks up at me.

"I miss Will." He mumbles. I look at him with a loud sigh.

"Well. I'm sure Athena would not mind you going to go see him." I said.

"No, she really wouldn't." A new voice chimed in. I look up to see one of those warriors in Percy's army. Ethan, I think was his name. He was standing beside Khione. I look down to see their hands intertwined. My eyes went wide. I didn't know Khione was in a relationship. Much less with a soldier in Percy's army.

Beside them stood Steven. Always looking serious.

Nico sighs and stands up. But right when he was about to go into a shadow. Someone called out for him. We turns around to see Will calling out to Nico.

"Nico!" Will shouted. Nico stops and turns around to see Will. I smile softly. Hoping both would get back together.

"Will?" Nico asks confused. His face lighting up at seeing Will standing beside Darkness. She had her arms crossed with a stoic expression.

"I'll let you all rejoin in peace." She said walking away. Leaving us with the couple. I sigh out deeply. I wonder what's going on. Everyone says everything is fine. But I know better than to believe that.

Athena has barely stepped out of her tent for the last six years!

How can everything be fine?

Darkness, Alex and Andrew have been in control of the army. They took care of everything. Athena would just stay and mourn. With either Artemis and Hestia at her side.

Loud gasps and mumbles broke out throughout the camps. The demigods here bowed slightly around me. I look towards the tent Athena was at. She stood there with her head held high. I look up at the darkened sky.

What's happening? I ask myself. I look back to see her talking to Alex and Andrew. Darkness stands behind Athena. Like a true guardian. Her head held head high. With her husband beside her.


Darkness, Abyss, Alex and Andrew look at each other in confusion, then towards Athena who stood outside of her tent. She looks around smelling the fresh air.

Athena looks over at her friends and gave them a wobbly smile. Though it come out as a frown. The others look at each other in surprise to see Athena out. Darkness looks over at Alex and silently asked him if this was a good thing. Alex nods his head and turns to look at Athena.

"Where's Ethan and Steven? She asks looking around. Both boys could hear their names from where they stood. They look at each other and made their way towards the group.

"Right here?" Ethan said. Steven nods his head in agreement.

"Yeah. What's up?" He asks. Darkness rolls her eyes.

"The sky." She answers making the other laugh softly. Athena sighs out deeply and pinches the bridge of her nose. How can they be taken so seriously by so many?

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now