Chapter 28: Shadow of a Girl

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Chapter 28: Shadow of a girl

Darkness raises her spear to block a direct attack from Nova. She moves to one side then another. Hoping to confuse Nova. But she knew that without a miracle she would never beat him. He was as skilled as her. If not even more.

"Give up." Nova said stepping away from Darkness.

Darkness shook her head. Glancing back at Abyss who looks at her with worry. Percy quickly rushes towards her with inhuman speed. Knocking her back. The people cheer out loudly. Making her growl. She pushes herself off the ground and spins around.

Nova make a high jump. Right over her head. Darkness roars out in anger and she looks around. Hoping to spot any weakness. The people. A dark smile comes onto her lips.

"Sorry Nova. Orders are orders." Nova stiffened. Someone had ordered Darkness to get him. Question was. Who? His mind wandered off too Athena. A small unnoticeable frown came onto his lips at the thought of her.

He spins around to see Darkness was nowhere to be seen. He turns around to see her dragon form flying over the people. He glances at Abyss who had his jaw on the ground.

Nova screams out as Darkness lands before the people. He rushes towards her running at inhuman speed. Darkness looks back to see Nova. She moves her tail and raises it high.

"Come any closer and there dead like bugs." The people all stayed silent. Whispering to each other. Fearing the worst with Darkness' presence. To them she was nothing more than Phantom's number one warrior. She was their nightmare.

Nova stops dead in his tracks. What could he do now? Darkness would do as she said.


Alex fly's over Olympus. Everyone screaming as they ran around in a frenzy. Screams filled the air. Mixing in with the loud thunder and lightning that was crashing down on the humans below. Many of the gods have faded. But many more survived.

He scans below. His serpent form flying over the destroyed city. In less than two hours. It collapsed so easily. Like a stack of pennies. Easy to destroy.

Alex saw many of the monster retreat now that the city was destroyed. Olympus was destroyed. Not much was left of it. It was so ruined. He sighs out deeply and fly's over another section. Andrew ordering the monsters to destroy the throne room. All that was left. Ethan and Steven worked together in making the rubble disappear into a black hole.

After an hour or so. Olympus was cleared. No more Olympus.

"Let's go." Alex calls out. Dropping to the ground. The others nod in agreement while Andrew opens a portal to Darkness' location. They each step through.


Darkness growls out as Nova raises his sword.

"Why don't you shift back and fight fairly?" He screams out. Darkness lets out a roaring laugh. Shaking the ground. She shifts back in an inferno of fire. Making everyone scream out in panic.

Darkness lets out a loud growl. Making the remaining run away in fear.

Abyss sighs out in frustration. Feeling useless as he stands back watching. He suddenly sees something silver forming over Nova's head. A small spark. Just as Nova takes a step forward to attack.

"I'm not backing out without a fight." He started. Ready to set his attack on Darkness when a portal opens up over him. Four familiar figures drop out landing on top of Nova. Nova groans out loudly. Darkness' lips twitch up in amusement.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now