Chapter 1 : Shadow of a Girl

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A/N (Author's Note)

 My lovely kit-Kats. I hope you enjoy another Perthena book. You see in this book. There won't be a good Percy helping Camp. He's on the opposing side. He's against Olympus. The question is 'WHY?!" Well, read and find out. For the first few *cough* most *cough* chapters will be on how he was cast out of camp and how he found his way to voids army. his actual journey, and then how he came to be married to our lovely Athena. His journey through life without the gods using him as a pawn.

Now. I don't want you to be rude to each other. If you don't like it. Leave. Simple as eating chocolate pie. I don't want rude hateful comments. Remember, I need to be reminded to update. I'm a busy person, who is lazy during her break times. REMIND ME! Or I won't update for months...Yeah, I'm not joking. Also if you have any ideas. go ahead and PM me. I'll see if the idea can go well into the story. Now if you see any mistakes. ignore it. I'm seriously trying to improve. I will be rude if you're rude. Just a warning.

Enjoy Kit-Kats

Chapter 1: The shadow of a girl

Athena's POV

"Father," I called out as I entered the throne room. I stayed silent as I glanced around, but no sound could be heard. No one was around. Letting out a deep breath. I made my way to my throne.

"Athena, can you come here?"

I stopped walking at the sound of the familiar voice. I turned around to see Hestia sitting near the hearth, the glow of the flames illuminated her youthful features.

"Hello Heatia," I said giving her a soft smile. Hestia looked at me seriously. Her glance thick enough to make even Ares shiver. I gulped softly, as I made my way down towards her.

"Athena," Hestia took a deep breath, as she looked at me in the eyes.

"Do not think I have not noticed." She said giving me a stern glare. I felt like a young child that was about to be scolded.

"The fact young Percy had disappeared affected you greatly," Hestia spoke. She sat down quietly and rose her hands above the flames. They moved to her command. I sighed deeply, making my way towards her. Hestia didn't look away from the flames, as she tended to them.

"Athena, calm down you don't want to make your father angry with such news. To find out that his trusted daughter has fallen for the enemy of Olympus-" The doors of the throne room blew open making a loud thunderous sound echo through the throne room. I flinched as I looked into the glare of my father.

"How dare you!" he shouts. I took a step back as he stomps his way towards me.

"Fathe-" Unable to finish, a stinging pain covers most left cheek. The loud sound echo's through the empty room while the force of the hit sends me tumbling to the floor. I shakily look up at my father. His raging glare hardens even more as he makes his way to his throne.

"Listen well, Athena." Zeus spat. I looked away from him and turned my gaze to the ground. I bit my bottom lip holding back my tears. I had been hiding this secret for so long, and now it's out.

"You will no longer hold your oath," My father screamed as a boom of thunder rumbled through the room.

I shakily glance up as my father hurled the lightning bolt my way. My eyes widen as it stuck me. A burning sensation overtook my body most painfully.

I let out a silent scream, the more I struggled to hold it in the more the pain seemed to increase. My lips quivered violently causing me to bit my lips, drawing out ichor. I covered my mouth in shock. Never had I felt such fear. Much less towards my father.

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